Saturday, March 15, 2025

A perfect song to wake up to...

The original is 7:32 long but I thought you'd appreciate this version...

Local governments should have no business subsidizing billionaires' sports stadiums. Thankfully, they got the message in Tampa...
The Tampa Bay Rays couldn't draw flies if they served shit on a gilded plate. Average attendance at their home games is barely 12,000 per, about one-third as much as most other major league teams. Obviously Tampa ain't a baseball town, right?
The team's ownership was asking Tampa civic leaders for $ 1,600,000,000.00 (yes - 1.6 billion with a 'B') to build a new 30,000 seat stadium, and when the teams owners couldn't come up with their part of the deal - a measly 700 mil - city leaders finally got a wiff of friggin' reality and said saya-fuckin-nara to that scam. Good - it's about friggin' time tax-payers money stopped showering uber-rich jerkoffs with free money.


"China Grove" by the Doobie Brothers was released in 1973 - 52 years ago. 
If that doesn't make you feel  old, nothing will...



A 42-year-old transgender 'woman' who allegedly threw Molotov cocktails at vehicles and spray-painted “Nazi cars” at a Colorado Tesla dealership lives with her mother due to “emotional problems” and calls herself “baby” online. 
It seems as if every time you turn around there's another 'tranny did this', 'tranny did that' story out there. Whatever they used to put in the drinking water they need to put it back in 'cause dey sho is a lotta crazees out dere, Hoss...

Where I live it's kinda interesting. Y'all know I'm in The Villages - a super-sized development with now well over 120,00 residents. Well, where my house is is literally the outside edge - my back fence is the border of the development. The areas east, west and south of me are highly developed suburban areas, but just literally 10 minutes north of me you're smack dab in the middle of horse, cattle and citrus country - 'The Boonies'. Ya know how ya know when you're in the boonies? When you see one of these stores every coupla miles in any direction - on any road. I was shocked to read there are 20,000 of them - just in the US. Jeez...

Is this blog considered 'alternative media'? God I hope not.

And the VA has been conducting massive studies on it's use because, evidently it is very effective treating people with PTSD. 
If it is as effective as they think it will be, it will be a very big step in help reduce the number of veteran suicides. Keep your fingers crossed...


Babs had a great line about Chuckie and his flip-flop on the CR - she said 'That jerkoff folded like a cheap tent'. What's not to love about a dame who thinks like that?


You can buy her something elegant
 without breaking the bank...
Click on the picture for more information on this bracelet. 
There are a number of new items in her shop. Click here to see them all:



  1. The shroom research is not new; it was done in the UK a decade or more ago.

  2. Psilocybin's benefits have been well known since the 60s. The Harvard Psilocybin Project under Timothy Leary and Richard Albert at the time found remarkable potential for the drug in all sorts of psychological applications. But of course once it's potential was known, the bigPharma/government conspiracy cracked down, banned the drug, and worked to ensure huge profits for bigPharma and their life-long bandaid drugs. Psychedelic drugs like Psilocybin and others are seriously bad for bigPharma because they enable consumers to actually penetrate to the root of their mental issues and TRANSCEND them rendering them powerless over their emotional state going forward. In other words they can actually CURE someone, while SSRIs and the like simply mask symptoms and provide lifelong dependence on bigPharma while curing NOTHING.

  3. 25+ years ago I took prozac, Effexor and something else and not one did a thing. It's all placebo effect and their dopamine theories are nonsense.

  4. Thank goodness for the dollar stores or our grocery bill would be double. We always go there before hitting the big grocery chains.

  5. AOC should have to show how she amassed a fortune in just a few short years.

  6. Rich team owners who get tax payer subsidies has always been another crime. Denver got their new stadium back in the 80s? despite the will of the people. Who got bought?

  7. My husband in Canada has been doing research with Psilocybin and other hallucinogenics for some time now exactly for treating depression and PTSD and Parkinson's. I believe the U.S. has some draconian laws form the 70's which create roadblocks for American university research in these areas.

  8. Tampa replaced the Big Sombrero with Ray-Jay stadium in 1998 for $170 million dollars (now about $325 million). Then the crooked local politicians basically gave it away, lock, stock, and barrel, to the filthy rich Glazer family who immediately stopped all concerts, tractor pulls, etc. in the stadium that the community paid for.


'I have a bad feeling about this, Bradley...'

...     Is your 'special lady' friend Irish? She'd probably love to have this... Click on the picture above for information on t...