Friday, March 21, 2025

Feels like California in the Keys. How crazy is that?

A raging wildfire has once again forced the closure of Florida’s busy 18-Mile Stretch that provides the main link to the Florida Keys.  It’s the third straight day the main road has been shut down, creating a renewed headache for traffic attempting to get to or from the keys. 
The fire has been burning in the southern Miami-Dade County area near the highway and ballooned to 24,000 acres on Thursday while only remaining 30% contained, according to the Florida Forest Service. But nearly the entire eastern half of the Florida Peninsula is on alert for wildfires Thursday, prompting officials to urge residents once again to avoid outdoor burning.
I think the old joke about the guy asking directions in Maine is appropriate here in Florida this week - ya can't get there from here. That is to say you can if you have a boat but otherwise all 100+ miles of all of the Keys is a no-go zone.




I believe Trump expects violence. I believe he expects confrontation. 
I believe he’s working toward a civil war.” 
— Rep. Maxine Waters, March 13                  



Apropos of the 1975/50 year thing, it's hard to imagine the crazy shit that was going on just five years ago. Social distancing, toilet paper hoarding, closed bars and restaurants and a whole list of other insane bullshit that we, as the sheep we tend to be, put up with. The saddest part of it all is that we probably didn't learn a fucking thing from the experience.



Here's an idea that could spread like a wildfire through the most liberal states. At yesterday’s New Jersey Board of Public Utilities (BPU) meeting, the state agency decided to approve an “equity” plan to tie energy rates to income. That’s right: the BPU (populated by Murphy appointees) wants to base your utility bill on your income level; high income and middle income families can expect increases while households that have already qualified for state utility assistance would likely receive a downward adjustment. New Jerseyans are already bracing for electric bill jumps of up to 20% beginning June 1st. What's next - groceries priced based on income and status? Where would this concept end...

It's worth noting that since Murphy has been governor of the Garden State, he's closed four coal-fired and one nuclear-powered power plants...


Where's Uncle Ben and Aunt Jemima when we need them most?

That's Robert Deniro's 30 year old son. You read that correctly.



Going with the old adage 'Beauty is in the eye of the beholder', 
which one suits your taste? Personally, the colorized one speaks 
to me a bit more, but that's just me. What do you guys think?

Click on the picture for more information on these unique hand-made earrings.
They're only $ 20.00 and that includes free shipping!



  1. After scrolling up and down four times, I just don't know. Both are good pictures of a beautiful woman.

    1. I agree with Justin. The B&W might be a bit more to my liking since it hides any flaws... even if there are none.

  2. The color one looks like it was colored in, it has the AI look to it...

  3. Maxine Waters says Trump expects violence? Is this the same Maxine Waters that encouraged people to get confrontational, in your face to people just trying to enjoy a meal?

    I'm a big guy. Could have been a bouncer. Four people were minding their own business, shooting the breeze, and talking politics. One of Maxine's Minions decided to confront them and attempt to embarrass them into leaving. Maxine's Minions rely on people basically being polite and ill at ease in dealing with an obnoxious bore. Eh, I didn't have anything better to do -- and I hate bullies, so I cheerfully got in Minion's face and dished back until he finally left.

    What if Maxine's Minion had pulled a weapon? I would have hated the paperwork -- and he would have gone to Hell a few years early.

  4. Either is fine. But the cleavage seems better defined in the color. No matter. Keep em coming.

    1. I soon as I saw the b/w photo, I knew I was going to like her no matter what.

  5. The Soros end game is a one world utopia of total dictatorship, tyranny and slavery. We got a taste of that during the lockdown when all the politicians who attended WEF meetings revealed themselves.

  6. I get utility assistance and it doesn't come close to easing ridiculously high bills. Instead of blaming low income people, blame the gov and regulators for shutting down cheap energy, especially nuclear. 20 years ago our avg bill was $45, now it is $350 and were using 1/3 as many kwh.

  7. AI still makes things look fake. Too perfect except for nipples. It can't do nipples right.

  8. Electricity rates based on income? A scam that works every time. The government collects taxes and makes it look like they only screwed the rich. The rich get even by raising their prices higher than the new tax. Gullible fools end up paying more for screwing the rich than if they just directly paid the government.

  9. The BW lets you concentrate on the important stuff.

  10. anything based on income, particularly taxes, stinks of socialism
    I like the B&W; in the color(ized) version, she looks like she's sneering
    Deniro's son looks like he's got spaghetti (a la vodka) coming out the back of this head

  11. Rita Hayworth is far from being the only thing fake about Hollywood. Going back to primitive shamans, and from them to Greek drama, theater has always been a performance, always required pretending. Another couple of instances of Golden Age Hollywood fakery - pretending - are Humphrey Bogart and James Cagney, in real life they were mild-mannered nice guys, nothing like the tough guys they pretended to be on the silver screen.


Yeah - they're a little twisted, but I think they're funny...

Looks like the guy who draws Archie, doesn't it? ...      Click on the picture for more information on these unique hand-made earrings. ...