Friday, March 21, 2025

Bill Burr was sailing along in his career. And then he went on 'The View'...

Comedian Bill Burr told the co-hosts of "The View" on Thursday that Elon Musk was going to "trash" the Earth because the billionaire allegedly had no concern for the planet...   
"Is there anybody getting your ire up these days more than usual?" co-host Joy Behar asked the comedian. Burr replied, "the nerds," adding, "The nerds that own the politicians. All these tech nerds that want to build robots because they don’t know how to talk to hot women. They’re going to take over the world. They are literally going to replace us. We’re like Beta right now and they’re coming out with the VCR."
I had been a fan of his for years, but recently he's been sticking his uber-liberal nose in politics, and I've had to do another 180 on a celeb who thinks we give a fuck what he thinks about Trump. Make us laugh, clown - that's your only job...


  1. Hopefully his 15 minutes of being funny is done and he will go away.

  2. Burr is a talentless mouthy cuckold. Nobody with the IQ of soap listens to him.

    1. There is a big change in Burr from a few years back. I wonder if photos of him on Epstein's Island surfaced and he suddenly went full retard.

  3. Could never stand this Burr guy who always impressed me this way: if he was sitting on the barstool beside mine, I'd move away to the farthest possible barstool.

  4. He's jumped into the wrong crowd, apparently.

  5. Musk doesn't know how to talk to hot women? Seriously? Have you seen his ex-wives? His various baby-mamas?

    After the Pacific Palisades fire, I heard Burr stating that anyone who criticized the government's handling was a Monday-morning quarterback retard. "The fire didn't burn my house. The government did great. It burned your house? No water in the hydrants? FU, my house didn't burn. The government did great." Burr really is a self-serving prick.

  6. Burr doesn’t seem stupid but if he thinks Musk or anyone thinks Mars is an acceptable alternative to earth he’s pretty mistaken.

  7. Burr should take a close look at his own wife before he comments about anyone else's ability to hook up with hot women .

  8. This is how a comic cancels himself. Alienating the audiences that made him successful in order to suck up to The View.


Yeah - they're a little twisted, but I think they're funny...

Looks like the guy who draws Archie, doesn't it? ...      Click on the picture for more information on these unique hand-made earrings. ...