Saturday, February 1, 2025

Will Florida become an open-carry State? I sure hope so...

Let me just butt in here. As a former police officer and Army vet, I absolutey agree that, if concealed carry is good for reducing crime, then open carry would be even more of a deterent for all of those punk motherfuckin' snatch and grab jerkoffs and mask-wearing store robbers. Juss' sayin'.
The rest of this story, along with comments from the Governor, can be found here on Breitbart...


  1. ...with a retention holster, and a second concealed weapon to shoot ther scumbag who tries to snatch your open carry gun.

  2. I'm not for or against open carry. I just don't do it. I figure if there's a bad guy who's going to do something even if he/she sees an open carry gun, he/she will focus on the open carry person long enough for the rest of us doing conceal carry to get to ours and respond.

  3. As a former police officer and Air Force Vet, I would suggest that concealed carry is more of a deterrent. There is a subset of the population that will open carry only as a fashion statement, or an ego boost. You know this to be the case.

  4. More guns = less crime everywhere it has been measured, every time

  5. Rickvid in the Yakima ValleyFebruary 2, 2025 at 2:58 PM

    Here in town is a small, comfy coffee shop. Met a staffer there who is a mom, farmer, home schooler, married to a cop, who openly carried at work every day. And no one batted an eye at it. Dangerous town? Nope, very nice and safe. But, there could be that one day, as you know...

  6. Open carry is a dumb idea that appeals to posers.
