Saturday, February 1, 2025

Remember that minister broad with the fucked up 'blessing' at the inaugaration?

She ain't quite as 'altruistic' as she wants us to believe...   

Remember Bishop Mariann Budde lecturing President Trump on The Invasion and The Deportations? Well it turns out that the good Bishop wasn’t as altruistic as she wanted us to believe. She works for The Episcopal Migration Ministry which in 2023 earned 53 million in tax payer funds to bring over and help settle immigrants primarily from Afghanistan and other nations. In 2023 they imported 3600. So they fly them in settle them and now they become immediately eligible for Medicaid and housing assistance. Now they can sponsor their family and friends which is chain migration. Now this growing group sucks up taxpayer funds for decades to come.
So this church earns $15,000 per immigrant. Overall, they've raked in over one and a half billion dollars of your money. The Episcopal Migration Ministry is one of many NGOs that have helped facilitate The Invasion. They are not quite as large as Catholic Charities which raked in 1.4 Billion in 2021 for this human import business.
Bishop Budde is not as altruistic as she wants us to believe. There is a happy ending to this story, however. Trump just put them out of business.
The Episcopal Church’s long-standing history of helping refugees resettle in the United States will begin to wind down next month, an early casualty of the new Trump administration’s anti-immigration policies.
Presiding Bishop Sean Rowe, in a Jan. 31 letter to church leaders and staff, announced that Episcopal Migration Ministries will begin winding down its core operations by Feb. 14, and 22 EMM employees will be laid off. EMM was one of 10 agencies with federal contracts to resettle refugees on behalf of the State Department, but that work ground to a halt last week when President Donald Trump suspended the refugee program as one of his first acts after taking office Jan. 20.


Pentagon Press Secretary John Ullyot issued a memo on Friday to the Pentagon Press Association announcing that the NBC News, the New York Times, National Public Radio, and Politico must give up their physical workspaces in the Pentagon for one year to the New York Post, Breitbart News, and the Huffington Post.





When MSNBC host Jonathan Capehart asked who “believes that racism and misogyny played a role in Vice President Harris’s defeat,” every candidate quickly raised their hand. 
Evidently, they all feel that Kamala was a strong candidate with an equally strong message and platform, and she only lost the election because of those racist, bigotted white people voting for DJT. 
Holy shit, these people are incapable of learning anything...
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C'mon Gavin - that horse 's been outta the barn for a while now...

Gov. Gavin Newsom has signed an executive order that he says is intended to “maximize” the capture of water during winter storms.
Newsom issued the order Friday, saying it will make it easier to divert and store water as storms bring rain and snow in the coming days.
“It is more important than ever that we maximize every opportunity to recharge our groundwater supplies,” Newsom said. “As we anticipate rain and snow in Northern California, we are also preparing to use every last drop to boost our water supply for communities and farms throughout the state.”
Who says he can't handle the pressure of his job?


  1. A lot of our "warmongers" are just full of estrogen.

  2. I'm glad Trump is shutting off money to these "charities" but I wish he'd make them pay the money back.

  3. "Evidently, they all feel that Kamala was a strong candidate with an equally strong message and platform, and she only lost the election because of those racist, bigotted white people voting for DJT."

    Holy shit, these people are incapable of learning anything...

    Shhhhh. Never interrupt your enemy while they're making a mistake.


Day drinkin' with a real HillBetty...

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