Monday, February 3, 2025

Gentle persuasion...



  1. Sra Sheinbaum thought he was bluffing.

  2. I'll believe it when I see it. The military leadership from PFC on up are on the take from the cartels.

  3. How did a "mexican" citizen get a jewish/german name? Oh that's right; after WW2; a bunch of krauts expatriated to Mexico to avoid getting caught up in the "period after the war".
    One thing I've noticed; is that in those countries (south America) the paler you are, the richer or more in power you are. Funny aint it?


What the hell is wrong with you people in Georgia? The title is 'MISS Buckhead' you jugheads...

Buckhead is an affluent suburb of Atlanta if ya didn't know. Affluent these days pretty much means 'liberal', but even so, it...