Friday, February 28, 2025

Another comic book that probably doesn't exist - except maybe in some sick fucker's' imagination...

They knocked down the Six Flags 'Kingda Ka' roller coaster. Gee, and I never rode it...


I don't even like going over small bridges. 
You couldn'ta put a fuckin' gun to my head 
to make me ever wanna pay to go on anything like that.

You tell 'em, Paulie...

A HillBetty to keep you company tonight...


Buy this for you wife because she deserves it...
 Click on the picture for more information on this beautiful bracelet.
It's a one of a kind, handmade gift - and it comes to you with free shipping!

They know how to do beer ads in England.. Or at least they did...

The only visual comment you need on the Zelensky/Trump throwdown today...

Yeah - I put that together from a bunch of sources. You're welcome...

They got ripped when they got tipped...

Between May 2017 and September 2019, DoorDash used a guaranteed pay model to show delivery workers how much they would make before accepting a delivery. The investigation by the New York attorney general, Letitia James, found that under this model DoorDash used tips from customers to offset the base pay it guaranteed to workers rather than giving them the full tips.
Workers were only able to see tips if they were greater than the base pay the app had already guaranteed to pay, with the company paying at least $1 and then using tips to subsidize the rest of the guaranteed wage. 
What new kinda jerkoffs were running that scam? It's not like these delivery dudes are making any kinda serious bank to begin with. Jeez...

Welcoming illegals to my 'Sanctuary City' home town. Are those cuffs too tight, Paco?

Newar declared itself a sanctuary city way back when, and this move by the Trump administration is seriously chafing Democrats' asses in New Jersey, who are apoplectic over the new contract. They were all were taken off guard by the speed with which the Trump administration moved on the facility. New Jersey Democrat Rep. Rob Menendez said that the Trump administration gave state officials “no heads up” about the planned contract. “If they didn’t think the threat was real already, their eyes should be wide open right now,” he added about the administration’s plans. New Jersey Democrat Gov. Phil Murphy also blasted the announcement and said he is “extremely disappointed” in the news. What part of the words 'Fuck you, Phil' don't you understand?

Here's a great idea for a gift that's both
 truly unique and very affordable...
Click on the picture for more information on these earrings.
They're only $ 20.00 - and it comes to you with free shipping!

The universe is pist at Calvin...

Click on this banner to see what she has new in her store.
Remember, you don't need a reason to buy her something nice......

I guess the Goobernator didn't get the 'Love thy neighbor' memo...

The governor admitted to insulting 9.5 million of her neighbors when she was trying to convince President Trump last week to reverse his decision to scrap federal approval for the scheme to hit drivers with a $9 fee to enter Manhattan below 60th Street.
Hochul said her main gripe with the Trump administration’s move was US Transportation Secretary Sean Duffy using New Jersey, at least in part, to justify abruptly nixing the toll. Duffy lives in New Jersey with his family. “First of all, the most offensive thing I found in the letter from Sean Duffy was citing New Jersey, saying they don’t like this program,” Hochul said on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” as she recalled details of her private meeting with Trump.
At least she said it on a TV show that no one watches. New York State just cannot un-fuck itself enough...

Boy, ain't that the truth...

If I was having kids - which I ain't at this point - I wouldn't let 'em anywhere near any social media bullshit until they were at least old enough to quote PI to the 20th decimal. I wonder who came up with that name, too. It's more like sociopath media if ya ask me...


I don't quite get this one. I haven't heard anything about food stamps being cut, and I thought they were considered 'entitlements', anyway. I think I'm 'entitled' to get some free shit too, but I'd have to be starving to ever wanna use one of them in public. Juss' sayin'...



In this somewhat iconic photo entitled 'Candy Cigarette' from 1989, Photographer Sally Mann's eldest daughter Jessie stares defiantly at the camera and her mother, with tousled hair and a cigarette made of bubblegum. While Mann's work has consistently come under public scrutiny for its intimate subject matter, at the root of the work is a family album filled with the stories, memories and moments that define Mann as a mother and photographer. 
I never noticed the person on stilts in the background and have never heard mention of it anywhere before. Hmmm...



I coulda swore there'd be world peace by now, wouldn't you?


It's a pretty safe bet newspapers will only be a notation in the history 
books within the next ten years or so. Reports indicate that people under the age of 35 get the majority of their news from social media and influencers. Influencers ferfucksake - think about that for a minute...

That's subtle. I like that...

Buy this for you wife because
she deserves something nice...
 Click on the picture for more information on this beautiful bracelet.
It's a one of a kind, handmade gift - and it comes to you with free shipping!

And pardon my ignorance for asking, but aren't most American Jews liberal? This has always perplexed me. I woulda thought people who were as persecuted as the Jews throughout history would tend to be more conservative that they appear to be. Interesting...



Miami Beach, 1945...

Thursday, February 27, 2025

You wouldn't wanna know how the VW's were built, either...

This was not a beloved car component. This was Volkswagen’s very own currywurst, with 30 employees turning out 18,000 sausages a day. Said sausages, served in company cafeterias with signature curry ketchup, were also sometimes packaged up and given as thank-you gifts to German VW customers. Even the writing on the casing (Volkswagen Originalteil, or “Volkswagen Original Part”) denoted the sausage as a proud VW product. In 2015 and 2017, the company made more sausages than it did cars.
In 2021, Volkswagen decided to swap the sausage at their Wolfsburg headquarters for vegetarian and vegan alternatives, leading to heated speculation that the Volkswagen currywurst was not long for this world. However, this move was undertaken only at the main headquarters, and employees there eventually asked for the original currywurst to come back, which it did in 2023.
They never really gave Oscar Meyer a run for it's money...

Somebody you can start day-drinking with, no matter what time it is...

I am shockerd. OMG - Epstein and the Donald?

Social media is 'abuzz' (god I hate that phrase) with details of Donald Trump's relationship with the late notorious suicide (yeah, right) dooshbag Jeffrey Epstein, but while the pair knew each other for decades, there are no new revelations in the so-called Epstein Files released today.
Misleading and sensational claims about Trump and Epstein have percolated online, already the conspiracy theorists are circulating nonsense on Reddit and TikTok. On X, the hashtag #TrumpPedoFiles trended throughout the day. The claims got a boost - last year noless - from Democratic Rep. Ted Lieu of California, before he'd even seen them.
"Something I’ve heard that doesn’t seem to be being covered are the Epstein files. These files were released. Donald Trump is sort of all over this. There are pictures of him with Jeffrey Epstein. 
OMG. A rich guy in New York City knew a rich guy in New York City. What are the odds? PS - the babe in the black dress is smokin' fuckin' hot. You may know her as the First Lady...
Buy this for you wife because
she deserves something nice...
 Click on the picture for more information on this beautiful bracelet.
It's a one of a kind, handmade gift - and it comes to you with free shipping!

His good mother...

And, before you ask, no - this is not a trend. I ran across a few of them and 
got a kick out of 'em over the mere fact that somebody's out there creating them. 
They're twisted but innocent, no more, no less...

Well, I feel much safer now that I knew who Jack was...

One of history’s oldest mysteries — the true identity of mythologized 19th century serial killer “Jack the Ripper” — may have finally been solved nearly 140 years later. English historian and author Russell Edwards said DNA found on a shawl recovered from the scene of one of the killer’s vicious slayings was tested, revealing the butcher who terrorized Victorian London’s East End in the late 1800s was a 23-year-old Polish immigrant named Aaron Kosminski — who died in a mental institution in 1919. “When we matched the DNA from the blood on the shawl with a direct female descendant of the victim, it was the singular most amazing moment of my life at the time.”

If the woman you love is a cat lover,
she'd probably love to have these...
Click on the picture above for information on these earrings. 
They're only $18.00 with free shipping.  

The left is right and the right is wrong...

Ya know, there's some serious wisdom in this...

More proof he's not your typical President...

 If you haven't seen that Trump Gaza AI-created video, 
here it is with some unecessary comments...   





The Epstein files will be released today. When pressed if the documents being released would include information about individuals who traveled aboard Epstein’s private jet and alleged surveillance footage from inside his residences, Bondi confirmed that flight logs would be disclosed.


Wow. That is very subtle. Well played...


There's a thing down here in The Villages that people do that makes my fuckin' head hurt. People - men AND women - walking around with the dogs (and an occasional cat) in baby carriages. Do they do that around where you guys are or is it unique to  here? It is, without question, one of the most fucked up human behaviors you can witness. How absolutely friggin' pathetic. Juss' sayin'...


Here's a great idea for a gift that's both
 truly unique and very affordable...
Click on the picture for more information on these earrings.
They're only $ 20.00 - and it comes to you with free shipping!



My early guess is Bill Clinton will be mentioned in the flight logs at least ten times. I saw him twice down on St. John when we all knew he was on Little St. James with Epstein...


California’s Medi-Cal shortfall hits $6.2 billion because of illegals. No shit, Sherlock...

Just goes to show you - giving shit away for free is VERY expensive.  Way to go, Gavin.  This is from a website called - Cal...