Monday, January 20, 2025

They'll call it 'Doing the Donnie'...

The one takeaway I got from yesterday's festivities - aside from laughing at his dance style - was The Village People embracing Trump and the concept of making America great once again. That is such a weird - albeit wonderful - juxtaposition from what you'd assume would be their view of a conservative Republican President. 
I guess resurecting their careers isn't a bad thing after all...


He pardoned them all just like we knew he would, 
yet we're somehow all surprised?




Can you imagine your life and legacy are so fucked up that your highlight and photo-op for the day is you writing your name in a drawer with a Sharpie? And, as far as being Governor of California, I'd have to believe that if all of those fruits and nuts ever did elect her to office that we - the other 49 states - would have every right to throw their asses in to the Pacific and make Nevada ocean-front. Juss' sayin'...


“Y.M.C.A.” is almost as central to the Trump campaign as his “Make America Great Again” slogan. 
The song has been played at countless rallies held by the president-elect throughout his political career.


Here's a great idea for a gift for 
that special person in your life... 
Click on the picture for more information on this lovely bracelet
It's only $ 35.00 - and it comes to you with free shipping!

Valentines Day isn't that far away, ya know...

It is not a coincidence that the states with the lowest rates of gun ownership have the highest crime rates in the country. If it's that easy for you and I to visualize, why is it that the leaders in those states can't see it for themselves? They can. They just don't want to admit it.

That's subtle. I like subtle.



  1. The gun ownership numbers are completely skewed in that states such as NH that have no permit requirements for any gun ownership look to have a lower rate than states that have permitting. NH is #1 in gun ownership and have been ranked the #1 safest state. Only junkies and red and white plate owners don't own funs or carry in NH. ME is right up there as well.

  2. If guns in the hands of criminals in Blue states was taken into consideration, the Blue states' percentages would exceed the Red states' percentages of gun "ownership".

  3. What we need is common sense Bible studies and common sense choir practice. That seem to be where most dindus are shot.

  4. Despite the pardon of Milley, The President can still bring Milley back on Active Duty and give him an Article 15, busting Milley down in rank.

  5. Good to see some Phil Frank. He was my neighbor in Sausalito.


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