Sunday, January 26, 2025

I'm pretty sure you'll pardon me for doing this, but...

 Presidential pardons aren't anything new - they go all the way back to Ole' Uncle George - Washington, that is...  

The thing that's slightly different - that pissed everybody off and destroyed any chance of him having a reasonable legacy was when Biden pardoned people before the fact - THE PREEMPTIVE PARDONS. 
It was bad enough that he pardoned his son after specifically saying publicly that he wouldn't, pardoning other family members cemented the fact that the motherfucker was stone-cold crooked.






Speaking of crooked, take a hard look at how much shit this broad's gotten away with. You can start with destroying emails and cell phones and slide downhill from there, and yet no one anywhere is holding her feet to the fire.

'At this point, what difference does it make?'




His bigest fuck-up might be not pardoning himself...


And then ya got this motherfucker and his $ 440,000.00 a year pension...


And if you were wondering what the souvenir looks like:




In case you mighta forgot about this guy, he was convicted of two counts of first degree murder in the deaths of two Federal Bureau of Investigation agents in a June 26, 1975, shooting on the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation in South Dakota.




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  1. With Biden brain dead I do not believe he could actually do the pardons. The staff likely did them for money.

  2. Pre-emptive "pardons" are null and void. You have to have been convicted of a Federal crime to be eligible for a pardon.

  3. DJT pardons...including appx 1500 j6 ATTACKS! There were only a handful of attacks and those were in self defense agains't the crooked capitol police who instigated the whole thing.

  4. The Leonard Peltier case is very controversial and knowing how corrupt the effbmeeye is and was I think he was framed.

  5. If I have to keep correcting spellcheck and teaching it English I might be needing a pardon.

  6. After all the shenanigans the FBI did to put and keep Joe DeMentia in office and then he goes and does that. Go figger.
