Friday, January 10, 2025

I had no idea these even existed. But who needs a Tommy Gun?

This is an online ad from a gun shop up in Tennessee. I gotta admit, it is kinda cool, but aside from showing off at the range, what good is it? Not like yer gonna go deer huntin' with it. 
And , yes, it is single fire, not full auto...


  1. Back around 1916 Tommy Guns were known as "Irish Swords".

  2. For Jan 20th when the commies riot in the streets with the backing of the effbeeye and ceeyeaye. It's not full auto...yet.

  3. Apparently, some military turned cops like them as a weapon of last resort.

  4. When Antifa comes you'll wish you had two, just ask Kyle Rittenhouse.

  5. So your only measure of usefulness of a firearm is whether you can hunt deer with it? When was the last time you went deer hunting? Yep, thats what I thought. Turn them in.

  6. Yes, these have been around for a long time. There is even one that will accept 9mm. All for fun and show, though. Nothing serious, etc. I mean, it shoots fine and everything. But, like you wrote, . . .

  7. It's just something to piss off a liberal, therefor it gets my full endorsement.

  8. But damn it'll look cool in the back window of my truck!

    1. For the three minutes the window remains unbroken....

    2. Ya gotta admit that Tn has some great gun shops!

  9. Heavy, bulky, pistol caliber carbine. No thanks, but that's just me. If it floats your boat, go for it and enjoy. If I were headed in that direction, I would likely go this way--

    My frontline party favor is my home-built AR, which has many obvious advantages, not the least of which is mounting optics that cater to my aging eyes. I graduated U.S. Army Small Arms Repair School at Aberdeen Proving Grounds in '74.

  10. Dang. These cost over twice as much as when I got mine 15 years ago. You really need the bbl magazine to properly display this at the range.
    As for what can you use it for. Same thing as they have been used for a hundred years. Sweepin' streets to keep em clean of the riff raff.

    1. I'll be looking for the 25-year old receipt, gotta be around somewhere.
      Oh, the fun.

  11. There is a switch, called a MAGA pin, that you put into the middle on the clip that turns this into 6000 cartridges per second mass murder machine. I read about it in the Times.

  12. Back in the late 70's I acquired two of them...consecutive numbers. Kept them a few years and then sold them.

  13. Thompson’s are cool. Look for the photo of Winston Churchill with one

  14. Back during the 2010 Afghan rotation when 25ID was there, they had a promotional group buy where a semi-auto Thompson with the 25ID logo and dates could be purchased for $1990. They also extended the group buy to contactors like myself. I almost bought one. What held me back was owning something with the acknowledgment of being associated with 25ID.

  15. I own one in 45 auto just because I can and it came with a 30rd stick and a 50rd drum. Nice shooting firearm but a little heavy especially with a 50rd drum. It was soem time ago when I purchased mine but it was not close to the price shown.

  16. you could hunt deer with it. I guess if your state allows semi autos to hunt with (not so in PA. )
    then again, if you have a bunch of assholes doing dumb shit in front of your house ,,,,
    like a good pump shotgun, it does make assholes rethink what they doing.

  17. "Not like yer gonna go deer huntin' with it.
    And , yes, it is single fire, not full auto..."

    .............but with a "few" C-drums and the right positions you could keep a lot of "mostly peaceful demonstrators" at bay for a while. Believe it or not, it is legal to hunt deer in Alabama (regardless of magazine size) using proper mushrooming ammunition. LOL

  18. Ain't nothing like taking one's 80YOA Dad - and Marine - to the range and watch him pull the trigger a few times....then remind him there's about 40 more rounds to go - - and then watch him smile and go for it. It's a semi, but fun all the same. Then hand him the satchel with five 30-rounders. He passed, played with a .45 1911, M1s Garand and Carbine before calling the day. Smiles.

  19. Why do you need a full size car, it's not like you can drive on the golf course with it.
    Why do you need a steak dinner, you could just as easily eat a baloney sandwich.
    Why do you need a house, you could just have a studio apartment instead.
    Why do you need the even numbered golf clubs, you could just use the odd ones.
    Why the F do you care why I want a Tommy gun?

  20. Zumbo, is that you?!


And they say WE drink alot?

This is a map of all of the pubs in the UK -  including  England, Scotland and Northern Ireland...     I don't care if it's true or ...