Monday, January 13, 2025

How much more of your money can he piss away before he finally fades away? I hope this can be undone...

Biden said Monday that 'his administration' would forgive federally owned student debt for a further 150,000 borrowers - costing taxpayers another $4.23 billion and bringing the grand total to roughly 5 million handout recipients during his term of office. 
Biden, 82, will finally get the fuck out of the White House on Jan. 20 after ordering about $183.6 billion in student debt write-offs - after the Supreme Court in 2023 struck down a prior plan to wipe $400 billion off the balance sheets at a stroke of a pen. He couldn't give a flying rat's ass fuck who pays those bills. 

I wish him nothing but the best in his retirement, and 
I hope he lives a long, healthy and fruitfull life.

Here's a great idea for a gift that's both
 truly unique and very attractive...
Click on the picture for more information on this lovely bracelet
It's only $ 55.00 - and it comes to you with free shipping!

Valentines Day isn't that far away, ya know...


  1. Asshole in chief....

  2. On student loans: all those idiots who think they are done paying back their loans are in for a rude awaking. Biden has really screwed them royally for when that letter arrives stating they still must pay back the loan it will also have late fees added. lots and lots of late fees.

    1. Annd if he does succeed in cancelling their student debt, the amount will be considered income.
      Joe, you're more generous than me; I wish Biden nothing.

  3. I admit that I feel stupid for paying for my daughters' college. It was bad enough that they were 24x7 indoctrinated into anti-American, anti-White BS. But worse, I should have made them take out loans for the pleasure.

    1. I feel for you, this money should be given back to those who paid and it should come from the colleges and universities that perpetrated fraud on the country. The fraud of promising an education and delivering propaganda.

  4. When the courts end up killing this illegal giveaway, the costs should all be charged to the Biden family fortunes.

  5. Biden does not have the legal authority to nullify nor "forgive" those student's loans. Period.

    Nice try, you doddering old fool.

    1. How many times has SCOTUS told him he can't do that?

      And Anon 5:41, he's stolen about enough over his lifetime to cover it.
