Sunday, January 5, 2025

Kamala Kakkles...

Exactly two months after her election loss to Donald Trump, Vice-President Kamala Harris will be forced to preside over the certification of her own defeat. As president of the Senate, on Monday she will stand at the House Speaker's rostrum to lead the counting of Electoral College votes, officially cementing Trump's triumph two weeks before he returns to the White House.
The circumstances are painful and awkward for a candidate who decried her opponent as an urgent threat to American democracy, but Harris aides insist she will conduct her constitutional and legal duty with seriousness and grace. Five to one odds she cackles at least once, though...
It is not the first time a losing candidate will lead the joint session of Congress to count their opponent's presidential electors - Al Gore endured the indignity in 2001 and Richard Nixon in 1961.
Maybe she'll run again, but more likely she'll run for governor in the land of fruits and nuts, and those friggin' morons'll probably elect her. It ain't all that far fetched, ya know...

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  1. Kamalla cannot win on a level playing field. 40% of Californian voters are gimmee-gimmee/free shitters who are naive, gullible, ineligible, nonexistent, or dead. Kamala cannot win without the democrat party's vote counting machine. The communist party knows that voter ID will wipe them out. If the voting system was fair, legal, and honest Harris would be easily defeated. Maybe McDonalds will rehire her, but they're probably not that desperate.

  2. "Hello, and thank you so very much for having me here, in this place and at this pivotal time. Now, see, this is California, right? And in California, we have that Cal'fornia feeling, ya' know? [cackle cackle cackle] An' 'at feelin' is a feelin' we have here in Cal'fornia, 'cause, [giggle gorgle snort] we here in, now, at this time, CALIFORNIA! [hee hee cackle cackle] Where th' Cal'forn'a feelin' ee'iz! Ya' know?"

  3. Kamala next position will be Gov of California if selected by Dems and placed in the position. It is not clear that will happen as they may want someone else in the position to control.


And they say WE drink alot?

This is a map of all of the pubs in the UK -  including  England, Scotland and Northern Ireland...     I don't care if it's true or ...