Saturday, December 7, 2024

Who invented the home computer? Some people - like me - think iot was Gomez Adams...

During the nineteenth episode of The Addams Family, "The Addams Family Splurges," which aired on January 29, 1965, 'Whizzo' is introduced to the world, having been built by Gomez and his son, Pugsley. It was housed in the Play Room where Gomez used it to calculate the cost of a trip to the moon, and to predict horse races to finance such a trip. Uncle Fester brought it up to the Living Room to be Gomez' "political machine". Then, in usual Addams Family fashion, Gomez uses his new computer to predict the winners of horse races.

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  1. Isn't that Fetterman next to Mortitia?

  2. A pretty good case can be made for Forrest Mims and Don Lancaster. And Bill Godbout.


Take a shot this one, Auntie...