Thursday, December 5, 2024

When politicians start banning our flag, it really is time to drain the swamp...

It's frightening to realize that the people you vote for are actually morons. Can you imagine any elected official calling your flag or a copy of our Constitution pieces of 'propoganda'? Well, it happened in my old home state. Scary shit. 
Edison, New Jersey has been thrust into the national spotlight as residents forcibly push back against the township council for banning the American flag from public town meetings.
On Monday, Fox News Digital reported that Joel Bassoff, an Edison resident and attorney, was removed by police from a town council meeting for holding a small American flag in protest of a new rule that bans such items, including the U.S. Constitution and other “props” from the public comment portion of town meetings.
Residents immediately rejected the new rule, arguing during a five-hour meeting on Nov. 25 that it was in violation of their First Amendment rights and a “disgusting” attempt to assert unwarranted power from the dais.
“People get elected, and they think that because I got elected, I know better and to be perfectly honest, it’s a power trip,” Romano said of the council president. “I’m sorry. That’s the way it is. You’re supposed to be there to represent the people. All the people. Not half, all of them.”

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  1. "It's frightening to realize that the people you vote for are actually morons."

    Morons do that all the time.

    1. The common clay of America...

  2. Tar and feathers worked quite well for the colonists. We have forgotten our roots.

  3. That they Relent is meaningless. They already told you who they are. They hate Our flag.


A cartoon I don't quite get...

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