Saturday, December 7, 2024

If you really believe Elon Musk is a party Republican, you're missing the full story...


Musk may be a lot of things, but he ain't fuckin' stupid. 
Ya ever wonder why he'd attach himself to Trump's hip as tightly as he has in the past year? it's simple - early on, he saw the writing on the wall and figured out that all these EV mandates and shit would probably go by the wayside if a Republican was in office, so he did what he did from a very sensible self-protection perspective. 
Could Trump be anti-EV after his good buddy Elon pumped so much cash his way? DJT may not be a consumate politican, but he is a politician no matter what. Makes perfect sense when you look at it like that.


  1. Musk went with Trump because if Trump lost that would be it for a free America...he even said that.

  2. Correct. And that is why he bought Twitter and is considering buying MSNBC. As for the EVs, if the federal tax credit for them goes away, it puts Tesla in a better position because the competitors will be less...competitive.

  3. I think Musk backed Trump more for SpaceX than for Tesla. The government agencies have been delaying SpaceX launch approvals for no good reason.
