Friday, December 6, 2024

Debunking myths one at a time...

There - ya see? And you thought you were getting stupider with every beer. Alcohol consumption has always been an important part of 'social culture' - what you and I might call 'hangin' out'. Contrary to popular belief, alcohol does not directly kill brain cells. 
However - and this is where it gets tricky - it is important to recognize that excessive alcohol consumption can lead to alcohol-related brain damage, which can harm brain cells and deteriorate brain function. 
So, yeah, maybe that 13th beer won't kill anything, but sure as fuck it might dent 'em up a bit. Juss' so's ya know...

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Remember, Christmas is less than three weeks away...
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Seriously - being able to present what she creates is the best reason I have for doing this, and when you buy her jewelry, you do three things. You show your support for this blog, you get a great gift at a very good price, and you look like a genius for your incredible good taste. Win, win and win. Go ahead - take a look at her stuff online - maybe you really will find something someone'd like to have. Just click on that shout-out banner.


  1. i have been drunk since 1979 and it hasent hurt me one bit. where am i!!!

  2. Don't hold your breath - or bet your life - on that one.

  3. Well that bit about the booze shoots Cliffies buffalo theory all to hell.

  4. I'm so old thirteen beers would be a week's worth of heavy drinking.


And they say WE drink alot?

This is a map of all of the pubs in the UK -  including  England, Scotland and Northern Ireland...     I don't care if it's true or ...