Monday, December 16, 2024

A throwback memory that's just a lot of fun...

 If they had AI capabilities back then it would have been 
much better, but, none the less...  



That's about right, too, isn't it. The crazy old fucker's kinda been swept under the rug. We can only hope that those players out there aren't smart enough to pull some serious shit before DJT steps in. Maybe that IS what this drone shit is all about...


If you're not here (over 70) yet, you might not agree, but now - yeah, 
they were hard. And holy fuck did they fly by.


Donald Trump is reportedly considering privatizing the United States Postal Service (USPS), according to the Washington Post.

The outgoing DHS secretary finally addressed the issue with the press on Sunday, confirming that they could not physically shoot down the drones but that technology to assist in detecting them is on its way.
He gave some clarification, however, as to why all of this seemed to be happening all of a sudden. 'In September of 2023, the Federal Aviation Administration, the FAA, changed the rules so that drones could fly at night,' Mayorkas said. 
'And that may be one of the reasons why now people are seeing more drones than they did before, especially from dawn to dusk.' The FAA already imposes restrictions on nighttime operations. Most drones are not allowed to fly at night unless they are equipped with anti-collision lights that are visible for at least 3 miles.

After receiving reports of drone activity last month near Morris County, New Jersey, the FAA issued temporary bans on drone flights over a golf course in Bedminster, New Jersey, that is owned by Trump, and over Picatinny Arsenal Military Base. Well, that'll certainly stop all this nonsense, won't it?

Somebody's gotta splain this one to me...


That cartoon is older than I am...

December 16, 1971. On leave with my buddy Mike in front of our house in Newark. If I remember correctly, it was somewhere around ten degrees that day. 
God - I look like a friggin' grade-schooler. 
That's me on your right...

Christmas is only 9 days from today.
You still have time to order...
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It's only $ 35.00 and that price includes free shipping!





  1. wasn't it the grinch's heart that grew three times
    cindy-lou who all grown up

  2. A fine is just the fee the rich pay for legally breaking the law.

  3. Regarding the Grinch/Cindy-Lou cartoon, I'll say it's a commentary on how women lose their minds dating "bad boys".


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