Friday, November 1, 2024

How to rig an election - and get fired and jailed - in Florida...

 A USPS worker is being accused of dumping more than 400 pieces of political mail and a ballot in the woods.
Ottis McCoy Jr. was hired as a part-time employee for a contract delivery company back in August to deliver mail on a route in Orlando. In October, one of his managers suspected he may have "disposed" of the mail rather than delivering it when McCoy finished his route earlier than expected.
The manager helped McCoy load a large amount of mail into his mail van on the morning of Oct. 22 and was suspicious when he finished early, according to federal court records from the Middle District of Florida. 

The owner of the delivery company checked the tracking device for the mail van and noticed that McCoy deviated from his route that day and ended up in a cul-de-sac in a neighborhood. The manager went to the area where McCoy had been and saw several pieces of mail in the woods of a lot at the end of the street. Photos from the area show numerous envelops and other pieces of mail littered in the brush.

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  1. The difference is this time they are being arrested.

  2. Another reason that in person only voting must be the only legal method.
    (Exception for military on active duty away from their normal residence)
    Mark in PA

  3. Just another reason why mail-in ballots need to be ended.


Here's one for ya, Auntie...