Tuesday, October 29, 2024

Evidently, we're a buncha coke heads. Go figure...

The most cocaine use by country list is only estimations, and some 
data due to various barriers may be dated. This list of most cocaine use by country also reveals some of the expected results, along with a few surprises too. Places like the US and England unsurprisingly head the list, while other countries like Albania (one of the highest cocaine usage countries) make more shocking appearances.

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Although any amount of cocaine use is too much according to some people, as the list reflects, some countries have a bigger issue than others. Here is the most cocaine use by country list...


  1. I'd like to know where they're getting their (bravo sierra?) numbers

  2. The meme is mixing measurements. The percent of Brazilians using coke is a tenth of a percent lower than the percent of Americans, but the amount America as a whole uses is twice what Brazil uses. Without knowing the population of both countries, they are completely unrelated facts. If the US was twice the population of Brazil, coke usage per user is close to a push. If the US was four times the population, the American user uses half what a Brazilian user does. If they had the same population then the American user would use twice the Brazilian.

    As is, the use population of the US is about 345M and the population of Brazil is about 211M.

  3. I had a college roommate that financed his education with coke. I tried it a couple of times and I did not understand the allure. It didn't do anything but kill my appetite.

  4. Mixing "facts" and statistics together equals Bravo Sierra. Did they include all the lost-at-sea coke that washes upon US shores? How about the confiscated coke from the tunnels, borders and Coast Guard confiscations? How much do they confiscate in Brazil, and how? TOO many variables...
