Sunday, October 13, 2024

Brother, ain't that the truth...

The amount of 'good press' this broad gets is disturbing enough, but when you factor in the fact that fully half the people around you are fuckin' idiots who believe anything and everything they're spoonfed by the MSM, you realize that no matter what happens going forward, we're gonna be fucked...


Back in '77, this was actually cutting edge tech.


Isle of Wight (that's in England) Council has three charge points in three different places on the  island. In a statement the council apologised "to anyone that may have found the inappropriate web content".
The authority said staff were due to visit the charge points "to ensure the third party web address is covered up". It is understood the chargers were meant to display the network's own website, but the web address had been redirected and was instead taking visitors to a pornographic site. The council said: "We are saddened to learn that a third-party web address displayed on our electric vehicle (EV) signage appears to have been hacked."



Eight years later and I feel exactly the same.



The original article is from, but if you 
wanna see a short clip of what they're talking about, click on the inset chick with her mouth open.


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Mr. Reynolds made his feelings about Trump supporters be known publicly in this morning's local newspaper serving The Villages. Wuddya supposed the odds are that  ole' Mikey gets his ass kicked by some MAGA half-wit in the not-too-distant future? Juss' sayin'...

But we don't like polls do we? Maybe this kinda pole, yeah.


  1. Keep us up dated if Mr. Reynolds does get his butt kicked. A video of said event would be even better!

    1. Please keep us posted on Mikey.

    2. Better video. Or send a dollar in his name to every whack-a-doodle charity you can find. Especially the religious ones. And then there's subscription sign-ups....

  2. Some people just aren't bright enough to realize they ought to keep their opinions to themselves, rather than broadcast them to all their neighbors and making a complete ass out of themselves.

  3. Re: "Brother, ain't that the truth"
    Better or worse than following Joe B around with a pooper scooper?

  4. Re: Cats and Gators. Well, they were worshipped as gods in Egypt and could get plenty of practice beating on crocs in the Nile.

  5. The NY Appellate Courts have struck down his 34 felonies and he has yet to be arrested, charged, arraigned, indicted, or tried for insurrection. He lost a highly dubious civil, not criminal, suit to a woman of shaky mental health. Senile and incompetent applies to her, not to mention the so-called 46th PUS, than it does to Donald Trump.

    It also seems more a propos for Mr Reynolds.

  6. Democrats have gone completely berserk and have abandoned any pretense of normality. They believe they have already won the culture war and the world is theirs. Now they just wait impatiently for us to die, be killed or disappeared.
    That fruit Loop Michigan Governor is a prime example.

  7. That $2495 computer in 1977 would set you back $12,500 in today's money.

  8. That is sorta like how I learned to swim. My brother and the neighbor kid threw me into the old river back up. Damn near drowned in that nasty stagnant water before I made it back to shore. They both thought it was hilarious but begged me not to tell Dad. And no, I didn't tell.

  9. Funny, innit? They thought Joe the senile Pedophile who sold his office to enhance his families fortunes would be a better choice until his incompetence became un-hideable then they all switched to Kamala the knob gobbler overnight....
