Sunday, September 1, 2024

What's that saying - 'Go woke and go broke'? Well, there's a lot of shit broke at Ford these days...

Having found out that diversity and inclusion does nothing to improve the quality of the work it's employees produce, Ford is finally joining the getting-longer list of American companies dumping this horseshit philosophy. 

They have more problems than just this, though. They just issued a major recall that may have them replacing the engines in as many as 350,000 of it's recently-produced vehicles. Might be time to short the stock, guys. The dividend isn't all that great anyway. Juss' sayin'...


  1. Ford's biggest problem is they went for broke on EV's. Which was incredibly stupid. Clearly their upper management lives in its own little cloistered world if they couldn't see what a stupid idea that was going to be.

    Maybe they were depending on government mandates to force the EV market to displace ICE vehicles. In which case, they deserve failure.

  2. Trying to laugh at this, but it's beyond my capabilities. I need a professional.

  3. No changes really just a re-branding of the old idea of affirmative action.

  4. I have a 2016 F350. There is a recall to replace the clockspring in the steering wheel. I had the recall done about 6 months ago. Ever since then the wipers will make a sweep and is intermittent but it is happening more and more. The controls for the wipers plug into the clockspring. The dealership says it takes 3 hours labor to swap the $70 part out. I am on the wait list for repair by a local mechanic.


Transgender comics? WTF?