Tuesday, September 10, 2024

I wonder if there's gonna be any games on tonight...

I wonder how many people out there are saying to themselves 
'I'll decide on who to vote for based on tonight's 'debate'...  
All I can say before the fact is that I hope Kamala 
performs just as well as her boss did in his last 
'debate'. Juss' sayin'...



Today in gustitory history...

Today in History: The First TV Dinner Is Sold. Television was still new and exciting in the early ’50s. Americans were captivated by shows that seem unwatchably dull now. They’d plan their lives around broadcasts. Major department stores closed early on Mondays because everyone was home watching I Love Lucy.
When a favorite program came on, families would abandon everything they were doing and gather around the TV. So, the TV dinner, which was first sold today in 1953 (the year I was born, by the way), arrived at the right moment. Dinner and a show - at home. 
TV dinners were originally considered an adaptation of the frozen meals served to passengers on planes. They were also a way for Swanson to use up 260 tons of frozen turkey left over from last Thanksgiving. The original dinners with stuffing and vegetables came on an aluminum tray for 98 cents, and were ready in 25 minutes. 




Pat Sajak was paid $ 20,000,000.00 a year as host of WOF. 
They ain't paying Ryan that much I'll betcha...

It's a sad reality that so many people will vote for her in spite of the fact that she's isn't campaigning hardly at all, and when she does do an appearance, all she does is yell and cackle. Virtually none of her supporters can tell you what she actually stands for. If one of your neighbors has a HARRIS/WALZ sign on their front lawn, make sure you remember that the next time his car needs a jump start...


Here's a great idea for a gift that's both
 truly unique and very affordable...
Click on the picture for more information on this beautiful handmade bracelet.
It's only $ 55.00 - and it comes to you with free shipping!

Just to let you know, if you have a special occasion like a
 birthday or anniversary coming up towards the end of
 September and you wanna get her some jewelry from Barbara, 
she won't be able to ship anything for a couple
 of weeks in the middle of the month, so your best bet is to
 order by tomorrow morning. Okay?



From one of my blogs posts from three years ago today.

Will he be judged based on his performance as Governor during 
those riots in 2020? You can bet yer ass he won't be. Also worth considering - and reminding you if you've forgotten - that he had people arrested for leaving their houses. Fuck whatever reason he did that for - can you imagine getting away with nazi shit like that?


Starting Friday morning we will be doing the Reader's Digest version posts...

The more I look at this, the more impressive it gets.


  1. I used to talk to my neighbor regularly then he started making negative remarks about Trump and I quit talking to him. He put up a Biden Harris sign and drove around the neighborhood honking his horn when they "won." There are NO Harris signs this year.

  2. My rights end where your nose begins is a foolish saying. There are many reasons to punch someone in the nose. Pedophilia for one.

  3. Re: volley ball girl, looks like my 5'10" niecelet, 12 years ago. Played volley ball and basket ball. She's gone on to get a useful education and is pulling down a six figure income AND raising good kids. Oh yeah, she's smart.


Humans provide protein? Jeez...