Friday, September 6, 2024

A thought worth revisiting...

Think about what you read or heard just yesterday, and you'll realize how on the money this cartoon really is. The kid shooter in Georgia? His father's an idiot. Kamala is certainly not an idiot, but she's also not the brightest bulb on  the Christmas tree. Anybody who gives a fuck about Travis Kelsey and his girlfriend is most certainly an idiot. I could go on for quite a while here but you get my point - you can make a new list for yourself every friggin' day. Was that the sound of a beer can being opened I just heard?




Well, when you put it like that...


I love the fact that the New York Post referred to Hunter Biden as a 'budding artist'. That is fuckin' hilarious. The First Son, who was found guilty on felony gun raps in June, entered some bullshit plea to all nine of the tax charges against him in order to avoid yet another embarrassing trial that would’ve centered on his penchant for strippers, pornography, luxury hotels and exotic cars. 
The plea is called an Alford plea — a little-known technicality that would’ve allowed him to plead guilty but maintain his innocence. Okay - if you understand that one, I'll buy you a beer. And while you drinking that beer, you can tell me that Joe isn't gonna pardon this dickhead? 

A friend of mine had put this video together about Hurricane Irma back in 2017 on St John, Virgin Islands where I used to live. Click on the screen cap for the video on YouTube.
I know pretty much every person in the video. My old house, which  had been destroyed by Hurricane Marilyn back in 1989 was rebuilt and then destroyed again by Irma. We drove by it back when we were there for the bar closing earlier this year, and it still hadn't been touched seven years later. I guess the guy just took whatever insurance money he coulda got and walked away from it.

This is what the house usta look like before Irma. See that palm tree in the foreground? I bought that for Babs for her 40th birthday. Believe it or not, the house got destroyed but the friggin' tree survived.

Here's a great idea for a gift that's both
 truly unique and very affordable...
Click on the picture for more information on these beautiful earrings
IThey're only $ 20.00 - and come to you with free shipping!


If you have DirecTV like I do, they're in a pissing contest with Disney right now so ESPN and a buncha other shit is gone. DirectTV says its customers can get a $20 credit for the blackout, but will have to take a few steps to qualify for the credit.
DirecTV says that its subscribers should visit:

Remember seeing these kinda ads in the back of comic books 
back in the day? I did one once where they sent me 
a sitload of greeting cards to sell - without envelopes...


Just to let you know, if you have a special occasion like a birthday 
or anniversary coming up towards the end of September and you wanna get her some kinda jewelry stuff from Barbara, she won't be able to ship anything for a couple of weeks in the middle of the month, so your best bet is to order by the middle of next week. Okay?


  1. Bummer about Hunter: the goal of this trial was to use this weak link to expose the massive grift machine that is our Federal government by exposing the massive amounts of money that flow in to friends and family pockets from people buying our foreign and domestic policy.

    1. Now if the prosecutor/judge would just refuse the plea deal, all the dirty deeds would come out at trial.

  2. "Consider how stupid the average person is. Then realize that half of 'em are even stupider than that".
    - George Carlin

    I'm pretty sure Hunter has made it known to his dad that he will spill-the-beans if he has to spend a single day in prison.

    1. From what I understand, a pardon wouldn't work, because a pardon would eliminate his ability to take the fifth amendment. If you get a pardon, there's no way you can incriminate yourself when testifying. So if he's subpoenaed to testify about the family business, he has no out. I heard a sentence commutation is more likely. Not a lawyer, so don't quote me. In fact, I'd like to get an opinion from a lawyer, if any read this.

  3. I sent one of those coupons from the back of Boys Life in June of '69. I followed my Hoboken raised Dad around on his insurance debit until end of November, we sold 42 boxes of Christmas cards, ($2.75 a piece). I got a three speed bike and Dad got a train set. Crazy... I think we were the only successful sellers of that stuff, ever...

  4. The hell with Hunter ... I love and adore that Hill Beaty!!!


  5. Look at that Hill Betty's chair - don't you think it is odd that it doesn't seem to have 4 legs?

  6. Pedo-Joe promised he wouldn't pardon Hunter but you know the FIX is in one way or another. Maybe part of the deal for Joe to drop out of the race is a commitment for Kamel-Toe Harris to pardon Hunter after the election steal.


Computer dating - Playboy style...