Sunday, August 25, 2024

Who will be manning our ships, Kamala?

According to Fox news and other sources, the Navy will reportedly sideline 17 vessels due to a manpower shortage that makes it difficult to properly crew and operate ships across the fleet. There just aren't enough Merchant Marines to keep all the ships going at once, according to Rear Admiral (Ret.) Mark Montgomery, senior director of the Center on Cyber and Technology Innovation for the Foundation for Defense of Democracy, told Fox News Digital. Merchant Marines operate the many support vessels needed to keep the Navy running.
"The problem, of course, is the ships are at sea, away from home port 12 months of the year," Montgomery said. "So you need two crews … we're desperately short of the number of people." "There’s a lack of experienced merchant mariners to crew the ships, and this is really a clear danger to national security," Montgomery added.
You may have forgotten how funny this really was...

Has Kamala said anything about the manpower shortages in the US military? I know DJT has adressed the issue a number of times. Ya really gotta wonder what someone like her can do to this country after four years of suffering through Biden's mismanagement. Juss' sayin'...


  1. Can't have a forward deployed Navy without a solid logistics tail.

  2. Who in their right mind would encourage kids to join today's Service? Fire all the cool kids, hire real men. Outlaw Affirmative Action, fire all those who support DEI, watch kids flock to the service again.

  3. The Merchant Marines are civilians who operate support vessels...

  4. I work on a Navy base. People who in the past would have actively tried to convince their children regarding the advantages of military service are actively trying convince their kids of the opposite. Why? A number of reasons, including the woke nature of the military at this point. Woke is repulsive to those who traditionally support the military. Another reason is top brass saying they will actively discriminate against military families. If your parent was in the military, expect that your military career will suffer as a direct result.

    Frankly, we're told the people making these decisions are intelligent. This means the sabotaging of the military is by design, not a side effect of their policies.

  5. Stop paying healthy, working age people to NOT work.
    Stop paying people to spend years in college obtaining useless degrees for which there are few employers.

  6. This is what happens when you RIF out good sailors, discharge the unvaccinated, and hire drag queens to try to bump up recruiting.......SUFFER!

  7. The US Navy actually was considering a contract with The Village People to use their song for recruiting, until they found out they were queer.

  8. The Merchant Marine are civilians. The graduates of the US Merchant Marine Accademy do get commissions as US Naval Reserve officers, but most go into civilian service in one of several government approved commercial shipping activites. There are also another six state supported schools.

  9. Go woke, lose a country.


I'm not here, but Calvin is...