Sunday, August 25, 2024

When all else fails, there's an axiom for that...


Couldn't happen to a nicer guy...
Anthony Fauci was hospitalized this month after contracting West Nile virus. Fauci, 83, the country’s former COVID-19 czar, was hospitalized for six days and is now home where he is recuperating from the disease


I don't think that's photoshoped - do you?


What's not to love about British tabloid news reporting?


According to a recent Lending Tree survey, 80% now 
consider fast food a luxury instead of a quick meal.

'Tis herself it is - in a Belfast alleyway last year...

Here's a great idea for a gift that's both
 truly unique and very affordable...
Click on the picture for more information on this beautiful bracelet.
It's only $ 40.00 - and it comes to you with free shipping!





How many times do I have to remind you?
It's because we're idiots. All men are.


  1. A trip to "fast food' today takes the better part of a $20 bill, it's not cheap anymore.

  2. DDT ended smallpox by killing out the bedbugs which transmitted it like mosquitoes and malaria.

  3. The Kennedy picture has to be photo shopped as the guy holding the picture died a long time ago.

  4. sorry to disappoint but the above puta has zero effect on me, i guess i outgrew this nonsense a long time ago...

  5. Smallpox eradicated: the first example of fully effective genocide. Not that it was a bad idea, or that it shouldn't be replicated.
