Wednesday, August 21, 2024

This guy has been a piece of shit from his first day in office...

He's quit and now he's gonna be humping Biden's leg to get a pardon - you can count on it. He was appointed to the the then-vacant NJ Senate seat by his buddy John Corzine (who had just been elected gOVERNOR), same as the other NJ POS Senator, Corey Booker. NJ has not had a freely elected representative in the US Senate for the past 25 years. Helluva machine those Dems have going for themselves up there.

Well, I guess you hit that nail on the head, Bobby. Oh - before I forget - ultra-lib multi-millionaire Governor Murphy has appointed his chief of staff to take Gold Bar Bob's place, so here's another one the people never chose. Well played, Jersey...

1 comment:

  1. I wonder what Bob really did. Yeah, I know the pretext, but at least half the senators take bribes in one form or another (how else do you think Biden got so rich on a civil servants salary). Did good old Bob vote against the new FBI Taj Mahl? Did he not get on board with raising their salaries in a timely manner?
