Wednesday, August 21, 2024

They're pissed off because they don't curse enough? WTF is wrong with this picture?

 Hard to believe New York didn't make the top 10, 
but thankfully, my home state - NJ -  did...
 The graphic above is derived from the NY Post, but I found an even better, more concise strudy that actually has the same hard-to-believe findings, According to this one study, the average respondent swears 21 times per day. 
The U.S. city that swears the most frequently is Columbus, Ohio, at 36 times per day. The average age Americans start using swear words is 11.
“Taboo” situations Americans are most likely to swear in include work (69%), in front of strangers (67%), and at the dinner table (63%). Over half of Americans use swear word substitutions — favorites include “fudge,” “shoot” and “frick.”
The rest of the report with interesting graphics is here. You gotta be fuckin' kidding me...

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1 comment:

  1. When I'm in the shop or elsewhere and things are not going well, I shatter those records by 9 AM if not earlier.
