Monday, August 5, 2024

The worst is past us...

 Probably got 10" of rain overnight...  

Power was out most of the night and it's been rainin' like Noah's gettin' ready to float by, but it's back on now, and with the windows open again feels pretty good. Dodged that bullet.

 The New York Yankees announced yesterday that they have 
signed C Meredith Marakovits to a one-year Major League contract for the 2024 season with a club option for the 2025 season. 


The photo's a goof. Meredith is actually the club house reporter for the YES network - the Yankees-owned TV network that broadcasts their games.


How do those people sleep at night knowing that thing is always there?

In a recent interview, this piece of shit was asked if she had led a group of Demorats wanting to force Biden out of the race. Pelosi said, “I wasn’t the leader of any pressure. Let me say things I didn’t do. I didn’t call one person. I did not call one person. I could always say to him, I never called anybody. What I’m saying is I had confidence that the president would make the proper choice for our country, whatever that would be, and I said that. Whatever that is, we’ll go with.” She added, “He was in a good place to make whatever decision, top of his game. Such a consequential President of the United States, a Mount Rushmore kind of President of the United States.
How can you tell when Pelosi is lying? Her lips move. In case you might have forgotten what a complete scumbag this old hag cunt is, lemme remind ya:




1950s Huffy Radio Bike. Nobody I knew growing up was rich 
enough to have one of these...


Here's a great idea for a gift that's both
 truly unique and very affordable...
Click on the picture for more information on this beautiful bracelet.
It's a one of a kind gift - and it comes to you with free shipping!



  1. I'm near moss bluff. Power off 6am-10am. Was very happy it came back on so soon! About 5" overnight plus 2.75" yesterday.

  2. The cartoon: he left out Soros and Gates.
    BTW: for anybody who hasn't visited/spent some time there, don't miss Catania - take a week - at least; it helps if you can speak a bit of Sicilian

  3. And how can you tell Nancy P's drunk again?
    She starts talking.
