Monday, August 5, 2024

I couldn't agree more, Mr. Ramirez...

All things considered, we really could have better choices...


  1. We will have better choices when we have better citizens. So far, the average quality of our citizens is low and dropping.

  2. Why do people keep bashing Trump? The country and the world were way better with Trump than anybody in the last 70 years.

    1. When someone made this comment in the past, or more specifically, stated that Trump was actually better than Reagan, I started to write a rebuttal. About half way through my rebuttal I realized that they were right. While Reagan accomplished a significant amount (and never estimate the work he did in defeating the Evil Empire), on the domestic front, he compromised more than Trump.

      We can probably debate whether Reagan could have accomplished as much as he did without compromising with the Democrats, but that's an argument for another time.

      I think the only nit pick I have is, who was better 70 years ago? Eisenhower mostly golfed -- luckily the world was in the position where the best thing for the US President to do was golf. Eisenhower did stand-by the spirit of "end of empires" that was very much in evident after WWII. Consider that he stood up to the UK and Israel who wanted to take over the Suez Canal. From my perspective, Eisenhower was a bit of a care taker president who just had to let the ship steer itself.

      Kennedy was only loved because he died young. The bay of pigs was a complete disaster, and by allowing the assassination of the Diem brothers, he assured the destruction of Viet Nam. If he had lived, he would have been known as a disaster. Irrelevant side note: There is no way that the current Democratic Party would allow JFK to be in their party.

      Johnson, well, no one thinks Johnson was a great president. Same with Nixon, Ford, and Carter.

  3. There was a bumper sticker from 1960 that is more appropriate today: To bad they both can't lose.

    One of my coworkers in the distant past had the bumper sticker: Don't blame me. I voted for Jeff Davis.

  4. Crap in one hand and wish in the other; guess which one fills up the quickest?
    Not denigrating your post; just have myself in a place that resembles my fathers "I told you to do something and you didn't do it" look. I have just about turned off all the conservative radio hosts BECAUSE they keep saying the same things.
    Right now we need action; not mumble/jumble nee-ner nee-ner. We need to rally and work towards saving our country. And if I have to hold my nose when I vote for Trump; then so be it.
    Besides my vote ain't a valentine to the's a message to my country that someone still cares about that Constitution.


I'm not here, but Calvin is...