Friday, August 23, 2024

Living on promises? Depends on the promise, I guess...


I had a $ 50.00 bet with a bar buddy that her speech wouldn't start 
at 10:00, but I went to bed at 9:30. so - am I up fifty or what?


No comment necessary. It's Batman. Surfing. 
Check out the bat shorts...


These are the people making decisions that will effect what happens 
in and with our country going forward. Think about that...

Today in History: Tim Berners-Lee Invents the Internet
Tim Berners-Lee (center) demonstrates the World Wide Web to delegates 
at the Hypertext 1991 conference in San Antonio, Texas
It took decades for society to adopt the new technologies of telegraphy, automobiles, and radio. In contrast, it took just a few years for Americans to jump onto the internet.
The idea came from Sir Timothy John Berners-Lee, who was researching particle physics in the 1980s. At that time, research teams had difficulty in accessing each other’s computers to share information. 
Berners-Lee developed a system that would readily access data between connected computers. He developed a program for creating and addressing web pages and a protocol for transmitting data. 
On August 22, 1991, he posted a note on several online forums to introduce his system. And on August 23, someone outside his facility logged onto his computer for the first time. 
By 1994, only six percent of Americans were using the web. But Amazon and eBay launched the following year. By 1997, they had both reached a million transactions. Today ninety percent of Americans use the internet, with a third reporting they use it almost constantly.



Wednesday night at the DNC, Rep. Pete Aguilar (D-CA) suggested that Harris would make amnesty for illegal aliens as well as funneling foreign workers into American jobs a core policy of her platform.


Do you get the impression - as I do - that some, if not all of the liberal editorial cartoonists think we're complete fuckin' tools? How could this guy possibly think that we'd buy any premise that she would be a tough, law & order POTUS? The shit that she let slide - and set precedents for - in Cali when she was AG can't possibly be ignored. And yet somehow it magically will be. What a shock.





Here's a great idea for a gift that's both
 truly unique and very affordable...
Click on the picture for more information on this beautiful bracelet.
It's only $ 40.00 - and it comes to you with free shipping!




  1. So kakula is going to give amnesty to the 50 million invaders she invited into the country. Being born here means you have to support the rest of the world.

  2. Joe Davis' comment on "The Saturday Evening Post" Facebook page gets it right.
    "He didn't invent the Internet. He invented the World Wide Web, HTML, HTTP, and the URL. These are used to publish and access content on the Internet, which date[ed] back to the [late] 60s when Lee was a toddler."


I'm not here, but Calvin is...