Friday, August 30, 2024

Harris wants price controls? How would that make anything better?

I really like this guy's style. He puts a ton of work in to each panel he creates...


It's just what nuns do when they aren't doing nun shit.

Basically, the whole 'interview' was her saying that everything that's wrong was someone else's fault, and there really is no inflation and crime is not up and unemployment is stagnant and the illegals aren't a problem and they're Trump's fault anyway and so on and so on...


Hundreds of private jets and personal planes touched down at a 
pop-up airport called 88NV in the middle of the Nevada desert. 
All for Burning Man...

This report is partially from the AP - British Prime Minister Keir Starmer confirmed Thursday that his government is looking at introducing tougher anti-smoking measures, which could potentially see a ban on smoking in outdoor spaces, including at pubs and restaurants. His confirmation came after the Sun newspaper said a ban on smoking outside in pub gardens, outdoors in pubs and restaurants, and outside facilities such as hospitals, universities and sports grounds, was under discussion. 
The prospect was widely criticized by hospitality bosses, who said it would be an overreach of the state and another potential blow to their finances. Smoking in the U.K. has been banned inside pubs, restaurants and most workplaces since 2007. Still, smoking-related illnesses remain a drain on the National Health Service, costing it over 2.5 billion pounds a year in England alone, according to figures from the NHS.
They are as duplicitous there as we are here. If we really didn't want people to smoke, wouldn't they just ban the manufacture and sale of cigs? Of course they won't - they'd lose all that tax revenue. Apack of Marlboro reds here in Florida is now approaching $ 9.00. In England that same pack will run ya $ 20 bucks, and that's almost all taxes, Bubba.





A couple in Pennsylvania has learned the value of a parking brake after they accidentally sent their car into a nearby river during a 'romantic rendezvous'. The incident occurred in Philadelphia around 4:45 am on Wednesday morning. A couple had parked their vehicle in Fairmount Park on Kelly Drive, which runs next to and parallel with the Schuylkill River.
According to Philadelphia police, a man and a woman were involved in a steamy clinch inside the car's back seat when the woman accidentally kicked the car's gear shift. The car began to move and before the distracted lovers could regain control the vehicle had rolled into the river. Other than the embarrassment and the damage to the car, the couple escaped unharmed.


Here's a great idea for a gift that's both
 truly unique and very affordable...
Click on the picture for more information on this beautiful bracelet.
It's a one of a kind gift - and it comes to you with free shipping!



  1. The only thing that literally makes me ill about Harris running for POTUS is there are people who will actually vote for her

  2. Politically correct or petty censorship? I had a black woman at work go nuts on me because I used the math term "integrate". She went off about "What do you mean integrate? I'm integrated." I walked on eggshells around that nut jobs for a few years. Quite happy when she left.

  3. Can anyone make out the name of the most popular grocery store in NY State?

  4. No Safeway in Utah.
