Saturday, July 20, 2024

When the late-night 'funny men' turn on you, I guess you really are fukt...

I have to be honest here. It's been so long since I saw anything but the inside of my eyelids after 10:00pm, I didn't even know Johnny Carson had died. I've never seen any of these unfunny fuckwads, and don't see me doing it any time soon, but this is kinda earth-shaking stuff. Fallon cracking on Joe? Wow. 
If you missed it like I did, read about it here.


  1. They’re all fake and gay.

  2. The definition of funny changed when people like Rodney Dangerfield and now Bob Newhart died. The new guys might be snarky but they aren't funny.

  3. The only way they'd turn on the Democratic nominee this late in the process is if someone pulling their strings told them that old Joe has gotta go. It is kind of depressing how scripted these things are.


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