Saturday, July 20, 2024

Hang in there, Joe - we really need you now more than ever...


Either someone has a really great sense of humor and let this go through - 
or there are absolutely positively NO ITALIANS working at the Florida DMV

The Clash had booked a seven-night stint at the Bonds nightclub in Times Square opening on May 30th, 1981. The only American dates the band had booked in support of their LP Sandinista!, the small venue (1750 capacity) guaranteed The Clash a sell-out. I was lucky enough (if those are the right words) to see them one of those nights. At the time, I was single and dating a go-go dancer from Jersey City. She had a thing for 'Ludes and I occassionaly would dabble, so we went to the show about as fucked up as I can ever remember being. I have no idea how it happened, but we ended up in the band's dressing room after the show - probably had something to do with Theresa's (my dancer friend) penchant for flashing her rather substantial boobage. We finally left the place about 8:00am. Wudda night. Whew...


Yeah - ole' Barb's not another scumbag lib, is she?


I don't know what happened or where, but I didn't notice a thing wrong - did you?


Hannity had an interesting insight in to this yesterday afternoon. He said if any of these Democrats who are calling for Joe to back down from the race had any kind of spines they'da envoked the 25th a year ago. That really kinda friggin' nailed it. Just a bunch of political hacks that float wherever the most current wind blows 'em.

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Click on the picture for more information on this nice bracelet.
It's only $ 30.00 - and it comes with free shipping!






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