Friday, July 5, 2024

Trying to save face? Good luck with that, Joe...

First it was the NY Slimes, then the LA Times, the Boston Globe, The Atlanta Journal and now even USAToday says Joe isn't fit for the job. As Babs would say, Joe trying to hang on to his job is like 'pissing in the ocean and hoping the fish will feel it'.
“I had a bad night," Biden told Milwaukee radio host Earl Ingram in a pre-recorded interview that aired Thursday morning. "And the fact of the matter is that I screwed up. I made a mistake. That’s 90 minutes onstage, look at what I’ve done in 3.5 years.”
The best part is Gavin Oldsum out in Fruits and Nuts Land saying he 'remains 100% committed to Biden'. That's almost the kiss of death for the old Mumbler-in-chief...

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I didn't know Napolean wanted to kill himself - did you?

  'Ere I saw Elba' - yeah, he never said it., but he mighta said 'Where's the fuckin' gun powder, Jacque'? Two pisto...