Friday, July 5, 2024

I think I know who he shouldn't pick for his VP. Do you agree?

I've already told you who I thought his running mate should be, so we don't need to go there. If he picks this Burgum guy I think it would be a huge mistake for one simple reason. Having two billionaires on the ticket is not the message this country needs - now, and maybe never. I don't give a shit if he's the smartest, most qualified guy available. It's a bad idea, period.



In the trade they're called 'surpressors'. I had no idea they're 
legal to own. At least here in FL they are. Go figure...


Big lots is on the verge of bankruptcy and heading downhill fast. BOB'S Stores announced they are going out of business, closing all of their stores. This whole retail business model has been in trouble for years. Your great grandkids might never go in to a retail store. Crazy thought, huh?

There's a funny little saying about living in Florida. 
'The farther north you go, the farther south you get.'

This is the silly kinda shit I do when I'm bored. Fiding driftwood ain't easy any more. 
I usta find it on the beach across the street from my house back in Jersey. Living here in 
the middlafuckin'nowhere, it's a little hard to find.


Here's a nice  idea for a gift that's 
both attractive and inexpensive...
Click on the picture for more information on these beautiful earrings
There's two pairs left and they're only $ 18.00 with free shipping!


Back when it was still a newsletter -
 before the magazine came out...


Don't believe it? Click n the screen cap to read the story...



  1. The "ghostly figure" in the cab video appears to be just a camera flash going off multiple times inside the cab. The first activation just happened to be pointing out the window which reflected off the objects near the road. I can see how that would distract the driver.

  2. 3 frames from that gif

  3. First - I don't have any bitcoin because I have no need for it as currency and no faith in it as an investment. Having said that one study by a bunch of students at the University of Toronto ...without any supporting studies...ain't science. When we see 5 or 10 studies, perhaps...but one? I can find you one study that says anything you like.

  4. #9. Looks like a powerful spotlight is being shined on the cab. The flash from the side- and rear-view mirrors would momentarily blind the driver and make him swerve. If you look carefully, you can see the circular pattern of the light on the fence/wall on the left side of the road.

  5. being from Alabama, i basically concur with the South map. if i may, who is that with Mr Rose??

  6. That " white ghostly figure" looks to me like reflections of light from gunshots in the car. Get shot, you're gonna swerve.

  7. The swerving cab is gunfire from inside the vehicle. Possibly a movie scene?

  8. those intermittent lights inside the cab appear to be muzzle flashes

  9. Ghostly apparition or muzzle flash? Which is more likely?

  10. That strange apparition from the cab looks like muzzle flash from inside the cab which would explain the sudden swerve.

  11. Suppressors are totally legal, federally. So are cannon, machine guns and such. You do have to pay for a tax stamp and deal with a lot of paperwork though.

    Funny, all the taxes and paperwork are very unconstitutional.

    1. so, IMHO, are all the regulations pertaining to gun ownership (by non-felon?, mentally/age-responsible ? citizens - I don't think there were any restrictions on the former on "The Frontier")
      BTW: can Congress make/pass laws regarding gun ownership that are in defiance of the Constitution?
      In addition, (Santa), I'd greatly appreciate it if someone were to ask SCOTUS to kindly address the meaning of the words in the 2nd amendment within my lifetime, that "militia clause" appears to have even conservative constitutionalists constantly on the defensive.

    2. Go look up Heller, Bruen, mcdonald vs Chicago, and several of the other 2A decisions over the past decade. The Second was written in the style of their times, which seems reversed to us. “regulated” means trained, and “a well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state “ is just an example why “the right if the people to keep and bear arms,” “shall not be infringed “.


  12. Well, lessee. You didn't know suppressors were legal. So why'n'ell would we believe you know what they sound like? Now, it do depend on what you shootin' and what exactly is on the end of the gun. But, owing several (legally) and having them on an AR platform with subsonic ammo, I can tell you that they are NOT loud. Yes, you can hear the bolt cycle. And good luck telling where that 'phutt' came from. For those of you wondering: the stamp is $200; the suppressor, assuming you get something decent, will more than double the cost of your gun. Possibly triple it. But, damn. You can shoot all day long and your ears won't hurt. Suppressors are, or should be, required PPE in any situation where they're available.


Perspective's a bitch, ain't it?

 First and foremost, why are the majority of 'editorial  cartoonists' left-wing nut jobs? Asking for a friend ...      Case in point...