Sunday, July 14, 2024

The whole thing wrapped up so easily...



Although I do get a kick out of how almost every news outlet refers to the dead 20 year old shooter as the 'suspected (or alleged) gunman'...

I do wonder how kids today would react to what we did when we 
were young. Our parents, for the most part, were damn near broke. If somebody on our block had a Spaldeen and a broomstick, we'd all be busy for hours and hours.
My Dad worked two full-time jobs for about eight years until he got a promotion in the Newark, NJ PD. Evidently, whatever the raise from patrolman to sergeant was, it was enough so he could cut back his 'other job time' to just 20 or so hours a week. They certainly were made of sterner stuff back then.

That is a good life philosophy to adopt.

Keith Moon and Pete Townshend of THE WHO on the cover of 
the UK music magazine, BEAT INSTRUMENTAL, Dec. 1965. 
Keith Moon musta been a very dangerous friend to have...


The responses are hilarious. If you are on X, go over to her feed 
and read them all before she has someone delete them...


Getting shot will almost guarantee that Trump is our next President. 
Watch how he plays this in the next couple of weeks.

Here's a nice idea for a gift that's 
both attractive and very affordable...
Click on the picture for more information on these beautiful earrings
There's two pairs left and they're only $ 20.00 with free shipping!


'Conditions normal in airplane following delivery'. Wow.

Sticking with the 'We usta' theme...
Before Fakebook, this is how we usta 'unfriend' people.




  1. I disagree..... If you wanna off yourself for a stupid picture, I say GO FOR IT!!!

  2. "Selfie-Free Zones" will work exactly like "Gun-Free Zones."

  3. Question on the "Shooter Backed Biden" pic, it says "identified using DNA" was his on file? Or are all of our DNA on file?
    Or is this from their access to 23 and me or what ever those ancestry sites stupid people post their DNA?

    1. I thought DNA analysis took days if not weeks.


The girls from Riverdale don't mind strutting their 'stuff...

Had to edit out the details so I can keep the blog...