Monday, July 29, 2024

Oh, okay, it wasn't the Last Supper he was goofing on. I get it...

Fall on your sword, asshole. We all know you're full of shit, so don't bother spewing this bullshit cop out. Breitbart reported that the guy is saying it wasn't the Last Supper with drag queens and other friggin' weirdos. 

Do you believe him? Nah - me neither...

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  1. Sick fucks!

    Chutes Magoo

  2. One of the participants - the fat one pretending to be a new Jesus - after the ceremony wrote a post on X (now deleted), that it was a "new gay testament". Sarah Fields discovered it. I think we should trust the participants in this disgusting show.


  3. Satan assures his enemies that their eyes indeed are lying.

  4. I'm looking for a list of sponsors to boycott, please.

  5. You can lie to me, but you cannot believe for me. Done, only because they know Christians will not go Charlie Hebdo on them. Utterly contemptible.

  6. If the tableau / scene is based upon the famous image of The Last Supper, then I'm struggling to understand the relevance a painting on a wall (Milan, Italy) by da Vinci (Italian) of a biblical scene set in Palestine has to an event in Paris France.
    But then again, I'm not looking for things to be outraged by...

  7. Satan is showing himself and God shuts off all the lights, Remember God is always watching.


A great live version of a classic...

  Pay extra attention to the drummer. Tommy Shaw is  a genuine rock star - at least in my eyes...