Sunday, July 7, 2024

Mid-Sunday organic insignifica...

In fact, the benefits will never out-weigh the additional cost. Some organic foods do have slightly higher vitamin and other nutritional elements, but as a whole, you're probably better off just taking the extra money you'd spend on that organic nonsense, buy some mutli-vitains, and pocket the savings and put it towards buying yourself a cocktail for not getting sucked in to the whole 'organic' scam. 

Even the Mayo Clinic says that the benefits are minimal. 
Read it and weep, you Whole Foods shoppers...

Does your gal love the beach? Here's a 
nice idea for a simple gift for her...
Click on the picture for more information on these beautiful earrings.
They're only $ 18.00 and that includes free shipping!


  1. The point is the reduced exposure to pesticides.

  2. Not being exposed to the Roundup that is sprayed on GMO and other crops, the pesticides, the chemical fertilizers, etc is more than worth the cost. And looking to people who profit from illness, like MAYO and others is to completely ignore the entire business model of the western medical cartel.

  3. Um. No Monsanto Residue. But, save some pennies and absorb them toxins.

  4. Many organic methods to control pest is more toxic than Roundup.
