Friday, July 26, 2024

I have a math problem. Can you help?

How do both of those half-breeds
equal 100% African-American
to most black voters?
(Asking for a friend, actually)


  1. It's because you are still using the old racist math solving skills of your youth, under new enlighten math it makes perfect sense. See, POC get to choose their victim group that gives them the most advantage.

  2. Well it’s negrometry but it =350 million votes and comes with a dare that you question it. You’ll be called every “ist” in the book and quite possibly jailed.

  3. You forgot that both of them are half-fast as well. BTW, that is the correct expression, theres no such thing as "Half-assed", its "Half-fast" as in slow-witted.

  4. As an outsider looking at the US I'd say you are all obsessed about race and maybe just a little bit batshit crazy...

  5. Find pictures of their grandparents. Daddy Harris probably halfwhite. Daddy Obama half arab. So bothare quatroons.

  6. The Australians use the term 'mongrel' instead of 'bastard'. Does that answer the question?
