Tuesday, July 2, 2024

God - I thought I was the only one who noticed that orange tinge...

Was that a spray tan? You betcher ass it was. Either way, it's pretty friggin' hilarious, if ya think about it. Some flack in his campaign must have noticed that he looked like the living dead in the debate, and came up with the idea that if Joe can't beat 'the orange man', he might as well join him.
On a seperate note, did you notice, as the camera panned away from him at the end of the address, that the teleprompter screens were about 18" from his face? He moved his head back and forth between them so often it looked like he was watching a tennis match. Juss' sayin'...




The Summer of Love was a major social phenomenon that occurred in San Francisco during the summer of 1967. As many as 100,000 people, mostly young people, hippies, beatniks, and 1960s counterculture figures, converged in San Francisco's Haight-Ashbury district and Golden Gate Park. It's impossible for me to get my head around the idea that that took place more than a half-century ago. I got there five years later and it was still vibraant and silly and fun, but you could already see in '72 that it was sliding down a very slippery slope. Kids looking at SanFran nowadays wouldn't be able to grasp the concept.


I've said it before and you'll probably hear me say it 42 more times. 
That place has to be a fun frickin' place to work.


This picture of Collier Pool, one of the 116 pools in The Villages. was taken by my friend Ron Clark, a very accomplished amateur photographer. Of the number of pools here, the vast majority of them are what we know as 'community pools' that are open to residents in all of the different Villages (read 'communities') here. They are not considered 'family pools' because no on under 35 years of age are allowed in them. The country club pools do cater to families and guests.

This is the Orange Blossom Country Club swimming pool that's four blocks from my house. Many consider it the nicest of all of the CC pools in The Villages. Life is good when you take advantage of it...

Here's a nice idea for a gift that's 
both attractive and very affordable...
Click on the picture for more information on this lovely bracelet.
There's just one in her shop and it's only $ 28.00 with free shipping!



Of course it's a 'public safety issue'. It wouldn't be a cash-grab by the State, would it? I mean c'mon, man they really are concerned about your welfare, aren't they? Consider New York State who just went through one of those 'Click it or Ticket' campaigns. New York State issued more than 112,000 tickets during its most recent "Buckle Up New York, Click it or Ticket" initiative that ran from May 20th to June 2nd. The average ticket was $ 210.00. Granted, not all of those 112k were for seat belt 'violations', but a crackdown is a crackdown, and it's all done in our best interests, right? You can do the math on that one...




1 comment:

  1. "At least they can't accuse Biden of taking performance-enhancing drugs."
    Scary version? That IS Biden on performance-enhancing drugs.


A great addition to the Senate...

Gov. Ron DeSantis announced this morning he's appointing Florida Attorney General Ashley Moody as the next U.S. senator from Florida on ...