Wednesday, June 12, 2024

When the tabloids turn against you, I guess yerfukt...

Granted, it's a Brit tabloid with a small American market, but they do have an almost uncanny nack for doing what most American media companies can't - it's called 'stating the obvious'. In this case, they reported that "Joe Biden did his D-Day duties last Thursday. But was he really all there? The videos suggest that he was not. At one of the main ceremonies, the 81-year-old Commander-in-Chief attempted to sit down at the wrong moment, then changed his mind. His wife, First Lady Jill, put her hand in front of her mouth to whisper something urgent to her ailing husband, to no avail. The Leader of the Free World stood motionless - locked in a semi-squat - for several excruciating seconds."


They did it again because of one of my 'Good Morning' 
memes that I make. Can you believe these assholes?



And, just so ya know, it's not as age-restricted as most media will make you believe. 
Nor is it a 'gated community' as some have portrayed it. There are gates at the entrance to every neighborhood (or 'Village') but you just drive right through - there's no secret handshake or anything like that...

In a spring report titled “Disruptions on the Horizon,” a quiet Canadian Government office known as Policy Horizons Canada proposed American civil war as a scenario that Ottawa should consider preparing for. There's a report on worth reading.




Is the woman you love a cat lover?
She'd probably love to have these.

Here's your chance to show her you know all about it.
Click on the picture above for information on these earrings. 
They're only $18.00 with free shipping.  You can find something nice for 
your Mom, your wife, your daughter or your girlfriend right here: 



Fox News host Jesse Watters and House Oversight and Accountability Committee Chair James Comer on Tuesday suggested Hunter Biden is “taking the fall” for President Biden after being convicted.

If it was up to me I'd make 'em sleep in the fuckin' streets. Juss' sayin'. Read this article. The people in charge of this 
are friggin' clueless...


Here's a nice idea for a simple gift
that's both elegant and affordable...
Click on the picture for more information on this beautiful bracelet.
There's only one left - and it comes to you with free shipping!



  1. I just flew in and out of Logan airport. There a no illegals camping out in concourse A.

  2. Glad i never signed up for fakebook
    fakebook should look at the books that are in school libraries

  3. My big worry is that Canada WON'T have a civil war. They need to find some balls and dump Trudeau soon. He's a complete clusterf*ck.
