Wednesday, June 12, 2024

The tastes - and morals - of our nation are changing, and not for the better...

The lines between good & bad and right & wrong are blurring at a blistering pace. At first it was only Peyton Place and soap operas, and that all morphed in to drag queens and Jersey Shore jerkoffs. Now, the scale is tipping even further, as all of these streaming outfits fight for content. 
The online streaming company Tubi is about to shatter all perceptions of what's okay and what isn't in 'reality' programming. 'House of Heat' on Tubi follows nine online sex workers who move into a mansion to create raunchy content together. 

The cast ranges from bikini models and a former 'Too Hot To Handle' contestant all the way through to full-blown porn stars. An article about the show with additional viewer comments is here.


  1. I guess the gathering of a handful of smart driven people to pool their skills and abilities hoping to create that Next overnight business success is not interesting. Maybe three teams, living in different houses, competing to see which team can launch a successful enterprise?

  2. " The Constitution of the United States is designed to govern a civil and moral society. It is wholly inadequate for any other " John Adams. Ladies and gentlemen we have an extremely vocal, uncivil and immoral minority that have defrauded their way into power and defrauded America of an additional 34 trillion in debt. They also have been spending over a trillion every few months. They intend to stay in power by any means necessary.

  3. The lines between good & bad and right & wrong aren't blurring. They're being aggressively swept away. However, these trashy television programs do not get seen when not turned on. There hasn't been a one or one like it shown in our house. Ever.


It's not Groundhog Day again, is it?

New York Post - A crazed groundhog set its sights on a fallen jogger in  New Jersey, only to be thwarted by a quick-thinking teen.The hogwil...