Wednesday, June 26, 2024

What really happens with Presidential debates...

 To the best of my knowledge - and you'd probably agree - 
no one has ever changed their minds about their 
preferred candidate just because of a debate...  


There are so many forces that work - from all directions with differing strengths and weaknesses - against a stable housing market, it's almost difficult to quantify. However, the New York Times actually did a pretty good job of delineating how today's market is being turned on it's head. You can find that article here.


When I first saw this gal on someone else's blog it shocked the shit
out of me. I dated a girl (back in the day - the era we call 'pre-Babs') who looked almost exactly like her and I swear to god she had damn-near that same exact dress and the same hair style and was built exacly the same. 
Seeing it, and not having thought of her for a seriously long time, it prompted me to try and see if she was still about somwhere, so I went on Instagram and Fakebook and - viola - there she is, now 40+ years and around 80 pounds later. 
Wow. Dodged that bullet. But she surely was gorgeous when she was 20. I bet most of us guys have at least one story like that. Juss' sayin'...



A six-foot-tall wax statue of American leader Abraham Lincoln began to melt in the sweltering heat of Washington DC over the weekend and lost its head. The statue, a replica of the Lincoln Memorial, lost its head, had its legs separated from its torso and the right foot melted by Monday.

Nice  idea, but it's horseshit. 'World hunger' can not and 
will not ever be 'ended'. That's not the way nature works. 
Isn't it nice how certain pompous jerkoffs use spurious shit like this meme to virtue signal?

Does your gal love the beach? Here's a 
nice idea for a simple gift for her...
Click on the picture for more information on these beautiful earrings.
They're only $ 18.00 and that includes free shipping!

That thing I posted about AOC at that rally in the South Bronx two days ago? 
This is the guy the rally was for. He's the same jerkoff who pulled the fire alarm in Congress  because he didn't want them holding a specific vote. Siafuckin'nara ya fat fuck. Hope you're the first of many of these 'squad' jerkoffs to get booted...



I don't post a lot of shit on Fakebook but every once in a blue moon I have to let go, 
like I did just a few years ago by the madness that was surrounding all of us.
Sad but  true, we probably didn't learn a single friggin' thing coming out of that clusterfuck. That four years feels like 14. Or 44.



  1. "there she is, now 40+ years and around 80 pounds later" and on husband number 4. She was a teenage orgasm machine with a hair trigger. She dumped me because "I can't think strait when you kiss me". I dodged a bullet there also.

  2. What happened in (approximately) 2021 that's had such an impact on the housing market?

  3. In Minnesota I watched the debates for governor where they allowed Jesse Ventura (3rd party candidate) to participate, that was an eye opener! The pros talked around and around every question, but Ventura just answered the questions! It was really something to see.

  4. The housing question failed to mention the number of illegals, and authorized entries that are keeping wages down, but also needing housing. Tyson recently fired Americans and replaced them with immigrants at a lower wage for example.


A typical (or is it?) conversation about 'higher powers' on Fakebook...

...    Here's a great idea for a gift  that's  both  truly unique and very affordable...     Click on the picture for more informati...