Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Evidently, only the Chinese work harded than us, but they're not talking...


  1. I was a Manager for an US company that got taken over by a French company. I had to learn the HR rules of all people I was Manager over in various countries. The French was worse of all countries as they worked 34 hrs per wk, had 47 holidays, plus 3 months of vacation, and their unions made life a mess. In France it was not known how many people were in the union and even French Management could be in the union, and the company had to work out agreements with all unions. The USA people under me worked longer hours on projects around the world and got more work done and finally the French decided to move all operations to France and wiped us out.

  2. Which is how we get out of this mess, IF, IF we can get the gub'mint out of the way.
