Saturday, June 15, 2024

The single most disgusting way to die I've ever heard of...

 You really don't need any more info on this, do you?


City council members gathered this week in an 'upscale' LA neighborhood to remove 'No U-Turn' signs that they say were a part of the area's homophobic history. In 1997, signs that conveyed messages like, 'No cruising. No U-turns. Midnight to 6 am,' were posted throughout the Silver Lake neighborhood in an effort to curtail hookups among gay men. 
On Monday, city leaders were joined by local LGBTQ + individuals when they removed the final few 'No U-Turn' and 'No Cruising' signs.


Here's another one I just don't get...


Isn't the word 'comfortable' variable based on the individual? I'm comfortable eating cereal for dinner if there's enough milk in the fridge, but others might think that wouldn't cut it. And is comfortable one car or two or just bicycles? 
Some of this pseudo-intellectual claptrap data is friggin' meaningless, but fuck it - somebody's making a living throwing this shit together, right?

Here's a nice idea for a simple gift
that's both elegant and affordable...
Click on the picture for more information on this beautiful bracelet.
There's only one left - and it comes to you with free shipping!

Everything I could find out about this picture ain't very much, 
but evidently it's legit. Was shot in 1950 in France and 
that's all I came up with.



Looks to me like his numbers are improving...




  1. Make A Wish really came through for little Timmy!

    Steve L.

  2. what a shitty way to die

  3. There's nothing like titties to cheer a boy up!

  4. Heard yesterday the WNBA is seriously in the hole despite Collins’ influence. Nothing can resurrect woman’ pro basketball.

    Colorado’s comfy COL is that high because over the past 40+ years California locusts moved into Denver, Boulder, and Fort Collins, screwing over 85% of the state…just look at what Griswold tried to do with PDJT and OUR preferred Republican candidate (she, a 39 yo unmarried Lefty Marxist).

    1. Meant ‘Clark’s’…dang word sub.


Okay - ya got me yesterday. Let's try again with her...

...    Here's a great idea for a gift  that's  both  truly unique and very affordable...     Click on the picture for more informati...