Saturday, June 15, 2024

It's NOT okay to be straight during Pride Month. What was she thinking?

Such disrespect, huh? How dare she say something that hateful during the month when we're supposed to be celebrating gayness? 
How the fuck did we get here?
Let me be clear - I am not anti-gay, but I am anti-overzealous jerkoffs like the people who fired her. Read this and pray for our country...


  1. The left uses ANY excuse to get rid of their unwanted non-whites.

  2. Who's the idiot that fired the black woman?

  3. Well, I'll say it then if you won't. I AM anti-gay. And anti-over zealous jerkoffs, too. Being a homosexual is a perversion and is entirely promoted by satan. All these MFs think they can be gay and still get to heaven. Ain't gonna happen. God will not be mocked, but these MFs will be fu**ed. For eternity. Way to go, butt munches.


Fauci wants redemption. What he needs is a 6'5" cellmate...

  So far he's admitted that social distancing had no basis in science and was therefore a worthless and ridiculous mandate, and now he s...