Friday, June 7, 2024

The only crime here is that we won't get to see the tape...

It musta been fun or she wouldn'ta kept it. She's pretty friggin' cute to boot. I wouldn't mind at all if she tried to pull me over. Juss' sayin'...
A Mississippi state trooper was fired after sending explicit images and videos to other cops and now she and the woman she had sex with on the video are suing each other.
MHP Trooper Ivana Williams was let go from the agency after distributing the video. The unnamed woman in the video claims Williams said she would delete the tape, but instead shared it.

A Mississippi Department of Public investigation into her behavior found that Williams sent explicit images of herself to her superiors and visited porn websites on her state-issued phone.
The full article with additional pics is here.


  1. And during Pride Month no less.

  2. What the fuck could she possibly be thinking? Another blonde joke in the making?

  3. "...I will leave my private life unsullied as an example to all." That is from the Law Enforcement Code of Ethics which I was required to memorize when I was at the Basic Academy in 1973. And they wonder why people no longer respect the badge. Sad that.

  4. Probably a lot more to this story. She couldn't be that stupid (I hope). Her phone could have been hacked, at least that should be her story.


Hey Auntie - know who she is?

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