Friday, June 7, 2024

D-Day plus one?





Things were a little different back in the day...
Mickey Mantle working for lead and zinc mine, Eagle Picher, 
in Joplin, MO during the baseball offseason.



How many troops died on D-Day? Of the 4,414 Allied troops killed on 
D-Day, 2,501 were Americans. More than 5,000 were wounded.



Here's a nice idea for a simple gift...
Click on the picture for more information on these beautiful earrings.
They're only $ 18.00 and that includes free shipping!


Wuddya suppose ole 'John just snarfed down?




I can't even imagine...


  1. Amazon keeps me from having to drive a half hour each way to get something, and I'm more than willing to pay for Prime because it saves me an hour round trip. I don't really want to wait for the optimum route to be planned for something I need or want soon. Like most of these analyses designed to push a point of view, you get a point of view. Like an electric car that you can't charge. Like eating bugs. I'm not playing.

  2. Actually there is a grade B milk. Grade A milk comes from farms/dairies that have a certain low level of bacteria in the milk. All of that goes into a bottle.
    Grade B milk is from those farms that can't seem to keep their bacteria levels below a certain level. All that milk goes into cheese and by-product production.
    As a fun note: the price of milk paid to farmers is decided by a group ensconced in Green Bay Wi. The price revolves around the price paid for mozzarella and other cheeses. Then they run a calculation to figure the price of bottled milk. Well at least that was the way it was figured when I milked cows in the last century.
    Oh, and the further you get away from that "central" location Green Bay, the more money you make per 100 pounds of milk.
    Right now, 6/7/24, the price of milk on the futures market is $19.53 paid to the farmer for 100 pounds of milk. Funny that, we were getting about $10 per hundred back in the 80's. But back then a bag of seed corn cost $32 and now it costs $350.

  3. And lately, Amazon's delivery service is more dependable than USPS.

  4. Both of those women are the type where if you were caught in bed with them by your wife, she would understand.

  5. Include Negro League records but don't assume equivalence - either way. Baseball is being ridiculous. .

    1. Yeah. Negro leagues were great, but they weren't "The Bigs".
      Why not include the Korean league...? Japanese League...? Little league...?
      Baseball's baseball...right?


A typical (or is it?) conversation about 'higher powers' on Fakebook...

...    Here's a great idea for a gift  that's  both  truly unique and very affordable...     Click on the picture for more informati...