Thursday, June 13, 2024

The law of unintended consequences is biting them in the ass in the Land of Fruits and Nuts...

They say that might makes right and two wrongs don't make a right 
(but three lefts do, go figure) and they even say the pen is mightier than the sword, but there's one rule that out-powers them all. That's the law of unintended consequences, and it's coming back at them in spades. 
In Los Angeles, prices on the chain’s famed double-double burger combo are up almost 7% over last year, jumping $.76 to $11.44; San Francisco has seen the same combo hit $13.63. And while there’s plenty of price hiking going on — Chik-fil-A prices jumped almost 11% between mid-February and mid-April, while Taco Bell prices have shot up by 3%. 

There’s beaucoup job-cutting, too. You really do have to wonder how many jobs this move has cost people already, and how many more before it's all said and done. Jerkoofs. Read the full article in the Post here.


  1. In-n-out upped their prices???
    Great News!
    Now governot Nuisance can raise minimum wage again.

  2. All that does is encourage people to want to leave the state. California and New York are not really any different. But most of us average folk cannot afford to pick up and go. We are stuck here as they say. Damn government controls. We should be rising up, not sitting down.

  3. The logic/excuse for raising minimum wage is always something like this: the McDonald’s employee cannot afford a Big Mac so let’s raise the minimum wage without realizing that the price of the Big Mac needs to go up to compensate for the rise in costs keeping it just as unaffordable for said employee. And the politicians who vote raise it claim to be smarter than everyone else.

