Thursday, June 13, 2024

How's this for a 2024 election scenario?

 After he makes a complete doddering fool out of himself in 
the first debate, Biden resigns, citing medical issues... 

He steps down and Kamala steps in. Hopefully No. Korean and China don't bomb the fuck out of us seven seconds later, but that's a discussion for another day. Anyway, by stepping down, Joe frees up all of his delegates and the Dem Convention turns in to a madhouse with no clear direction and no new, bright young face to present to the masses. They throw Kamala under the bus completely, and chaos ensues until a saviour appears on the horizon and the ticket is sealed. Hillary is back - again. Good god, we are in a lot of trouble, folks...

That cartoon is eight years old and as relevant today as it was then. 
Juss' sayin'...


Perspective's a bitch literally and figuretively...

And somebody somewhere will believe that a computer can do that.

That's subtle. I like subtle...

Hillary Clinton tries to never miss an opportunity to put the spotlight on herself, and she certainly did so with this announcement, which has sparked considerable backlash from progressives Democrats. The former secretary of state and one-time Senator from New York made a rare move on Wednesday as she endorsed Westchester County Executive George Latimer (bottom right) as he challenges New York Rep. Jamaal Bowman (top right) for his congressional seat. 'Imagine taking Hillary Clinton’s advice in a year with Trump on the ballot,' wrote one critic. The former first lady is still stinging from her 2016 election loss to Donald Trump. 
It is also worth noting here, if you will gaze at the photo bottom left of her and Bill all dressed up, that her ass is now bigger than Stevie Nicks' ass, and that's saying something...

You know a special someone who's going to 
be celebrating a birthday or anniversary
 soon. Why not buy this for her?
Click on the picture for more information on this beautiful bracelet.
It's a perfect gift and the price includes free shipping. 

There is little doubt that this plane, designed as a medium 
range, light-weight attack bomber designed to carry a 2,500 lb. bomb load, saved our asses in the Pacific during the war. Estimates are that there are only 10 or 11 of them still flying today.








  1. My GUESS-
    Biden will step down as the candidate at the convention and one of the other pros (with the proper family connections) will step into the slot, it won't be the VP.
    They are running on the "I'm not Trump" platform which has 8 years of massive publicity already going for it.

    In a normal modern election both candidates (Uniparty) get their money from the same people...
    The FDA? Keep in mind who they work for when they talk about aphrodisiacs....
    That gif at the end is always a favorite!

  2. The type of corn grown for human consumption (sweet corn) is not the same type as used for animal feed or ethanol production. You would not want to eat field corn unless you were starving.

    1. That not-sweet corn, is that also used dried & ground like corn meal?

    2. Sixty years ago give or take, all we had for canning corn was field corn. Picked at the right stage it is very edible just not sweet like sweet corn or at least it was then. Sweet corn seed was so expensive we didn't plant any except the small 1 pound bag that the seed dealer gave Dad with his order of seed corn. As to the 40% of the corn that goes to ethanol, distillers grain makes up a huge amount of the byproducts of ethanol and is used mostly for cattle feed.

  3. Of the corn I grew 100% of it was eaten by squirrels.

  4. Chocolate is God's apology for broccoli
    Mark in PA
